Porn Tax that would go into The John McCain Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Fund. Many questions about making sure this money would be going where it says.
The bill would also set up something called the John McCain Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Fund, which is where all those $20 fees would be sent. The fund would then issue grants for programs that help the victims of sex offenses, which sounds reasonable enough until you look at the list in the bill. The first thing on the list, which will allegedly “help” victims of sex offenses, is a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Senator Griffin has a long history of introducing socially conservative legislation in Arizona, including a bill in 2018 to allow teachers to put up the phrase “God enriches” in Arizona public schools, a translation of the state’s Latin motto, “Ditat Deus.” She also introduced a bill backed by the NRA in 1999 that protected gun manufacturers from being sued.
Uses Of Funds
1-Build a border wall between Mexico and this state or fund border security.
2-Provide physical and mental health services.
3-Provide temporary and permanent housing placements.
4-Assist victims in employment placement, education and employment training.
5-Prevent and protect victims of human trafficking, domestic violence, prostitution, divorce, child abuse and sexual assault.
6-Assist school districts.
7-Compensate crime victims.
8-Fund shelters and dream centers.
9-Pay for family counseling and rehabilitation.
10-Assist law enforcement.