Anonymous ID: 239384 Jan. 22, 2019, 6:52 p.m. No.4868384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8407 >>8517 >>8594 >>8703 >>8823 >>8956 >>9017

Senate to vote on dueling shutdown bills Thursday, with neither expected to pass


WASHINGTON — Senate leaders on Tuesday agreed to vote on dueling proposals to reopen shuttered federal agencies this week, forcing a political reckoning for senators grappling with the longest shutdown in U.S. history: Side with President Donald Trump or vote to temporarily end the shutdown and keep negotiating.


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. set up the two showdown votes for Thursday, a day before some 800,000 federal workers are due to miss a second paycheck. One vote will be on his own measure, which reflects Trump’s offer to trade border wall funding for temporary protections for some immigrants. It was quickly rejected by Democrats. The second vote is set for a bill approved by the Democratic-controlled House reopening government through Feb. 8, with no wall money, to give bargainers time to talk.

Anonymous ID: 239384 Jan. 22, 2019, 6:58 p.m. No.4868470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8745

And yet they supposedly have the time to frame 3 guys from MI but can't find a terrorist camp in New Mexico


FBI agents say government shutdown is hindering investigations


WASHINGTON — The partial government shutdown is hindering federal law-enforcement operations, the organization representing thousands of FBI special agents said, limiting investigators’ ability to pay confidential informants and witnesses at criminal trials and curbing the bureau’s ability to hire translators, paralegals and other support personnel.


The partial government shutdown, now in its 32nd day, has caused a lapse in funding of the Justice Department, which oversees the Federal Bureau of Investigation. But FBI agents and support staff, deemed essential to national security and federal law enforcement, have been working without pay. Federal rules also prohibit the spending of government funds in many cases, leaving agents unable to tap money used in investigations.


“The FBI needs to be fully funded so that we can do our jobs — stop terrorist attacks, prevent criminal activity, arrest bad guys,” said FBI special agent Thomas O’Connor, president of the FBI Agents Association.

Anonymous ID: 239384 Jan. 22, 2019, 7:02 p.m. No.4868512   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sub officer faces court-martial trial on stalking and assault charges



A Navy submarine officer faces a court-martial trial after he was charged with a long sheet of crimes allegedly committed in the Washington, D.C. area.


Lt. Cmdr. Joshua Q. McCright, 38, part of the blue crew assigned to the ballistic-missile submarine Nebraska in Washington state, was arraigned earlier this month at Naval Base Kitsap on charges involving housebreaking, unlawful entry and assault consummated by a battery charges for allegedly grabbing, pinning and restraining a woman several times in 2016 and 2017, according to charge sheets released to Navy Times.

Anonymous ID: 239384 Jan. 22, 2019, 7:04 p.m. No.4868548   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Thailand promises to end detention of child refugees


Officials in Thailand have signed a memorandum of understanding detailing a framework to end the practice of detaining underage immigrants. But the UN says more needs to be done to protect child migrants in the country.


The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed on Tuesday was the first formal step aimed at fulfilling a pledge by Thailand's Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, who first promised to end child detention at a 2016 refugee summit in New York. The document was signed by several government agencies, but does not specify any time frame on when and how necessary steps will be taken to improve the condition of detained juvenile refugees.


In a joint statement, several rights groups, including the Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN), Human Rights Watch, Fortify Rights, Asylum Access Thailand (AAT), Migrant Working Group (MWG) and Center for Asylum Protection and Coalition for the Rights of Refugees and Stateless Persons (CRSP) welcomed the new framework, which committed to detaining children for the shortest period possible. Furthermore, illegal child migrants would be transferred to private centers only as a last resort.


However, the group of rights' organizations said that the memorandum failed "to address family separation and migrant mothers are only granted release from immigrant detention following a cash payment of 50,000 Thai baht ($1,500, €1,321)." The groups contend that the amount is exorbitant for refugees, who are not allowed to work in Thailand. Also, the bail provision for refugees was restricted to migrant mothers with children and excluded fathers

Anonymous ID: 239384 Jan. 22, 2019, 7:10 p.m. No.4868629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8686

PASS THE POPCORN, NAHANNI: Bruce Ohr Throws Comey, McCabe and Schiff Under the #Spygate Bus


The Epoch Times began publishing a stunning series of exclusive articles on January 11th. Each article – there have been four thus far – reveals previously undisclosed Congressional testimony of key Spygate suspects. The most intriguing testimony appears to be that of disgraced DOJ official Bruce Ohr.


Ohr: James Comey, Adam Schiff and The New York Times All Lied

According to Ohr, it would appear that James ("Higher Loyalty") Comey directly lied on multiple occasions about who had funded the "dossier", stating that he had no knowledge that the DNC and the Clinton campaign had paid handsomely for it through the firm Fusion GPS.


The Mueller Team is Now Implicated as Part of the Spygate Cabal

During the month of August, Ohr said he briefed several additional officials on the dossier including the head of the Fraud Unit, Andrew Weissmann and an attorney, Zainab Ahmad.


Both Weissman and Ahmad now serve on Robert Mueller's Special Counsel, two more in a long series of conflicts of interest that render Mueller's final report utterly compromised.


An additional question is why Ohr would brief Andrew Weissmann in the first place. The latter's purview was fraud, not counterintelligence, and he had no business being read into this investigation.


This bizarre briefing makes it appear that Weissmann – and, by extension, Mueller himself – were all part of the cabal to influence the 2016 presidential election; and, when that failed, to see President Trump removed from office on fictional charges of "collusion".


Comey and Obama's FBI Lied to the FISA Court

According to Ohr, every single key official in the Obama DOJ and the FBI – Comey, McCabe, Yates, Strzok, Page, etc. – was warned that the "dossier" was the product of the Clinton campaign. Ohr stated:

Anonymous ID: 239384 Jan. 22, 2019, 7:30 p.m. No.4868875   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia: 'Drunk passenger' hijacks Moscow-bound Aeroflot flight


An Aeroflot flight was forced to land in central Russia after a passenger tried to divert the flight to Afghanistan. Russian investigators described the man as "a drunk" who threatened the crew with weapons.


Russia: 'Drunk passenger' hijacks Moscow-bound Aeroflot flight


An Aeroflot flight was forced to land in central Russia after a passenger tried to divert the flight to Afghanistan. Russian investigators described the man as "a drunk" who threatened the crew with weapons.

Aeroflot passenger planes


A Moscow-bound plane flying from Surgut in Siberia landed on Tuesday in the city of Khanty-Mansiysk after a passenger ordered the crew to divert the flight to Afghanistan.


Investigators said the passenger tried to break into the cockpit, adding that he was drunk.


"The man has been detained, he is a citizen of Surgut, who was earlier convicted for damaging property," Svetlana Petrenko, spokeswoman for the Russian Investigative Committee, said in comments carried on the state-owned TASS news agency.


"A drunk passenger, claiming to be armed, tried to break into the pilots' cabin during the flight and demanded the changing of the plane's flight route," she added.