Anonymous ID: f1adb4 Jan. 22, 2019, 7:08 p.m. No.4868608   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Frens, this is right out of, “Ye Olde Playbook of How To Start Cabal Wars.”


France and Germany sign treaty to support each other in case of war. This WILL be used against other EU member states that are pulling away from the Globalist EU. A False Flag event will be conducted against one of the nations and blamed on one of the dissenting EU nations (my guess is Italy or Hungary). France and Germany will, “stand by each other,” and declare war. This WILL ignite WWIII…especially if Germany is ALLOWED to have nuclear weapons (as is the underlying language in the treaty). This political chess game is exactly how the Cabal Bankers positioned for the last two world wars. It’s the same shit!


My hope would be that POTUS, Putin, and the leadership of the minority EU members call this out loudly for what it is, and declare Macron and Merkel criminals and traitors to their own nations and their people. They are playing a very dangerous game…that they will not win this time.