Anonymous ID: 2d184e Jan. 22, 2019, 8:09 p.m. No.4869314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9330

Crypto Advocate & Presidential Candidate John McAfee Is On The Run, Refuses To Back Down To IRS Threats


The eccentric and exceedingly entertaining founder of McAfee anti-virus will have to run his presidential campaign from the waters of Venezuela according to videos posted on his Twitter account earlier this afternoon.


McAfee, who famously escaped Belize after being falsely accused of murdering his neighbor and becoming the focus of an extremely corrupt band of government officials, is seeking the Libertarian nomination in the 2020 presidential elections. This is his second time vying for the nomination, but his 2020 campaign is already more streamlined and exciting than his 2016 efforts.


McAfee is the purest form of Libertarian, a man who wants to slay the corrupticons in government and completely destroy the current political system… rebuilding it in the rawest of forms as our founders intended it.


He shares ridiculous memes of himself emblazoned with his campaign logo, offers ‘mixology’ lessons, and delivers crucial life lessons via his personal Twitter account on a daily basis. A legend in the tech community, McAfee has also been an early and bullish advocate for cryptocurrencies, which he argues will take away the power of the government to rule over your financial decisions and privacy.


Several weeks ago, he announced that he had not paid taxes in over 8 years and would refuse to file taxes during his campaign for president, begging the IRS to make an example of him so that he could showcase their corruption and bully tactics on a grand scale.


The IRS took note, convening a grand jury in Tennessee to bring felony charges against McAfee and several of his associates according to several videos posted on his Twitter account earlier today.


The McAfee 2020 Campaign is, as of this day, in exile. I am being charged with using Crypto Cuttencies in criminal acts against the U. S. Government. More videos coming shortly. Stay tuned.


He said that he will conduct his campaign in exile and is headed for Venezuela, where he will stay for the duration of the campaign as his experience his chronicled for a documentary film. You can visit his website to learn more about his campaign, by clicking here.


Or just get hammered trying one of his cocktail recipes, he’d be happy with either.

Anonymous ID: 2d184e Jan. 22, 2019, 8:18 p.m. No.4869389   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Judge won't certify North Carolina congressional race as fraud investigation continues


Nearly three months after the election, there is no official winner


Residents of North Carolina's 9th Congressional District still don't know who will represent them in the House of Representatives months after Election Day after a judge refused to certify the results of a race tainted by alleged election fraud, CNN reported.


Republican Mark Harris, who led Democrat Dan McCready by 905 votes once the count was complete, had requested that the results be certified. Judge Paul Ridgeway, however, declined to involve the judicial branch in the electoral process.


"Why are we looking at a dramatic intervention of one branch of government into another branch of government?" Ridgeway asked Tuesday.

The backstory


The election hasn't been certified because of numerous reports and evidence that a political operative working for Harris's campaign illegally collected absentee ballots.


A group of people working with the operative served as witnesses to an unusual number of absentee ballots that they collected, leading to suspicions that not all ballots made it to the Board of Elections.

What does the judge want to happen?


The previous Board of Elections dissolved in December 2018 without having certified the election, but a new board should be appointed by Gov. Roy Cooper within the next few weeks. At that point, the new board can review the evidence and decide to either certify the results or call for an entirely new election.


"We look forward to providing a full accounting of what transpired once a Board is seated," said Kim Strach, the executive director of the elections board. "Public confidence in our elections system demands it."

What do the candidates say?


McCready has accused Harris of trying to obstruct the investigation into potential election fraud.


"Mark Harris and his allies promised to support a complete investigation into this attack on our democracy," McCready said in a statement. "He has now broken this promise and is instead doing all he can to obstruct this bipartisan investigation into the illegal election activities within his own campaign."


Harris denies any knowledge of wrongdoing that could have changed the election result, saying the campaign "is not aware of irregularities or other concerns sufficient in number to change the outcome of the election in the 9th district."

Anonymous ID: 2d184e Jan. 22, 2019, 8:22 p.m. No.4869419   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The White Helmets, alleged organ traders & child kidnappers, should be condemned not condoned


The White Helmets, “volunteers” who reportedly “rescue Syrians from rubble.” Never in history has such a group been so feted by the elite, or received so many awards from institutions acting as extensions of US and UK hegemony.


A recent panel at the UN Security Council in New York revealed the shocking evidence of White Helmet involvement in organ trafficking in Syria. The lucrative trade of human body parts, bones, blood and organs is one of the most protected and hidden harvests of war.


The potential of White Helmet involvement in these nefarious activities raises questions that must be answered. Why were the shocking revelations met by a wall of silence from corporate media present at the panel in New York?


Not one media outlet pursued the subject, preferring to divert onto more comfortable issues that did not challenge the iconization of the White Helmets that has been the default position for virtually all state-aligned media since the establishment of the group in 2013 in Jordan and Turkey.


Above is one of the slides from the presentation of Maxim Grigoriev, director of the Foundation for the Study of Democracy, given to the panel and audience at the UNSC in New York, December 2018.


In July 2017, I had interviewed residents of the East Aleppo districts that had been under occupation of the various extremist armed groups and the White Helmets. Salaheddin Azazi was a resident of the Jib Al Qubbeh area (also mentioned in Grigoriev’s presentation).


Azazi went through the details of the November 2016 Nusra Front attack on civilians trying to flee via the Syrian and Russian-established humanitarian corridors which had been spun by the White Helmets into a “regime” bombing raid that resulted in a civilian massacre. It was a complete misrepresentation of reality which was seized upon by corporate media with no fact checking. My full report on that incident and the White Helmet involvement in the massacre and subsequent theft of civilian belongings from the dead and dying is here.


“The bodies of the dead and dying were left unattended for ten hours in the street after the Nusra Front rocket attack that killed 15 civilians. The White Helmets did not help them, they stole their belongings,” Salaheddin Azazi, resident of Jib Al Qubbeh and eyewitness to events on 30.11.2016, said.

Anonymous ID: 2d184e Jan. 22, 2019, 8:29 p.m. No.4869492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9544

US House votes overwhelmingly to bar US exit from NATO



WASHINGTON — The U.S. House passed legislation Tuesday evening that seeks to bar President Donald Trump from withdrawing from NATO amid renewed concerns over his commitment to the 28-nation military pact.


In a bipartisan 357-22 vote, the Democrat-led lower chamber sent the Senate the NATO Support Act, which would prohibit the use of federal funds to withdraw from the 70-year-old alliance. Twenty-two Republicans voted no, while 28 Republicans and 26 Democrats did not vote.


Beyond asserting Congress’ power of the purse, the bill affirms support for NATO and its mutual defense clause, for Montenegro’s accession, for “robust” U.S. funding for the European Deterrence Initiative and for the goal that each member nation spend at least 2 percent of its gross domestic product on defense by 2024.


The action comes as trans-Atlantic ties have been frayed by disputes over defense spending, trade and America’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal. After reports Trump floated the idea of a withdrawal last summer, Trump said last week, "We will be with NATO 100 percent, but as I told the countries, you have to step up,” defense spending.


Rep. Jimmy Panetta, D-Calif., sponsored the bill with backing from House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., and Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel, D-N.Y. At a press conference Tuesday, the lawmakers praised the alliance for its role in ending the Cold War and in supporting U.S.-led operations in Iraq and Afghanistan today.


“What we have to realize is that NATO is not just a transactional relationship.” Panetta said. “Our sole focus can’t just be on who pays what and who gets what. Being a member of NATO is not like being a member of a country club.”

Anonymous ID: 2d184e Jan. 22, 2019, 8:33 p.m. No.4869526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9575 >>9591 >>9613 >>9729 >>9761 >>9786

Big Pharma Will Now Hold Patent for CBD/THC Cancer Treatment


It’s hard to believe that Big Pharma is the one making the most progress in proving that cannabis works! Well, maybe not so much ‘hard to believe’ as disheartening and depressing as heck.


British company, GW Pharmaceuticals, has been a big name in cannabis pharmaceuticals since 1998. They’ve broken through the iron gates surrounding cannabis medicine, so much so that they even got CBD-extract medications (made by Big Pharma) to be removed from Schedule I.


GW Pharma has developed cannabis-based drugs for multiple sclerosis and epilepsy, and now….cancer. That’s right. Big Pharma now holds the patent for cancer treatment using cannabis. Let. That. Sink. In. For. A. Moment.


In 2009, GW went forward with a patent application, alongside collaborator Otsuka Pharmaceutical. At the end of September, GW announced that they had received a Notice of Allowance from the U.S. Patent Office to go forward with production of their cannabis-based cancer treatment, Sativex.

The Treatment


Numerous studies have shown that cannabis can be used to treat cancer by eradicating cancer cells and stopping metastasis, in most types of cancer. The latest GW drug will harness the power of THC and CBD to treat gliomas, which are a rare form of brain cancer.

Anonymous ID: 2d184e Jan. 22, 2019, 8:35 p.m. No.4869546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9553 >>9568 >>9573 >>9579 >>9585 >>9597 >>9603 >>9615 >>9641

John Kerry at Davos: Donald Trump Should Resign


Speaking before the global elite in Davos, Switzerland on Tuesday, former Secretary of State John Kerry called for President Donald Trump’s resignation.


Asked what message he has for President Trump, Kerry told attendees of CNBC’s World Economic Forum panel that the president doesn’t take his position “seriously” and should “resign.”


Last Thursday, President Trump canceled the U.S. delegation’s scheduled trip to the annual economic conference after revoking House Speaker Nancy’s Pelosi access to military aircraft for a seven-day foreign trip, which included visits to Belgium, Egypt, and Afghanistan. “Out of consideration for the 800,000 great American workers not receiving pay and to ensure his team can assist as needed, President Trump has canceled his Delegation’s trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement at the time.


President Trump slammed the media for its coverage of his decision not to attend this year’s event — accusing them of hypocrisy for criticizing his attendance last year, while knocking him for pulling out this year. “Last time I went to Davos, the Fake News said I should not go there,” he wrote on Twitter. “This year, because of the Shutdown, I decided not to go, and the Fake News said I should be there. The fact is that the people understand the media better than the media understands them!”


Kerry, a staunch Trump critic, has repeatedly taken aim at the administration’s energy policies, calling them “profoundly dangerous” for the world. In a November interview with the Guardian, Kerry claimed “people are going to die” due to President Trump’s withdrawing the U.S. from the Paris agreement. “My kids and my grandkids are going to face a difficult world because of what Donald Trump has done,” he told the British newspaper.


Kerry has hinted at mounting another run for the presidency in recent months, telling the Harvard’s Institute of Politics that he is “not taking anything off the table.”


“But I’m not sitting around — I haven’t been running around to the most obvious states, laying any groundwork or doing anything. Am I going to think about it? Yeah, I’m going to think about it, I’ve said that point blank,” he said of a possible bid.

Anonymous ID: 2d184e Jan. 22, 2019, 8:38 p.m. No.4869584   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Shocker: The Dangers of Ultrasound


Every time Jim West (also here) releases a new finding, it is a revelation.


Some years ago, I wrote this about Jim:


I always find it riveting to come across an independent investigator who is breaking new ground, against all odds. Jim West is such a person. His meticulous analysis of West Nile Disease [in fact caused by toxic pollution, not a virus] has turned the establishment on its head. We should all thank him for his work. If I were the king of Pulitzers, I would give him a dozen. He is what truly deep reporting is all about. In a sane world, his revelations would bring about the firing of scores of so-called medical journalists and disease researchers, and he would be sitting at the top of the heap — not in order to exercise arbitrary power, but simply because he has trumped the lazy and the incompetent and the lying professionals who are supposed to tell us what is going on.


There are many other things I could say in praise of Jim’s work. Instead, I’ll present an excerpt from the notice of his new book. It’s a book you should have and read: 50 Human Studies, in Utero, Conducted in Modern China, Indicate Extreme Risk for Prenatal Ultrasound: A New Bibliography.


It’s a book that should receive wide notice. It’s a book that should change standard medical practice. It’s a book that can save many lives.


Press Release: May 2015


Prenatal Ultrasound: A New Bibliography of Human Studies Conducted in Modern China


50 Human Studies, in Utero, Conducted in Modern China, Indicate Extreme Risk for Prenatal Ultrasound: A New Bibliography


Jim West has released his unprecedented Bibliography of critical ultrasound research, as a book, available at


Ultrasound is a highly controversial topic. It can now be said, without hyperbole, that an understanding of its mysteries are essential to the well-being of the individual and the human species.


The word “ultrasound” commonly refers to diagnostic ultrasound, an acoustic technology utilized to view images of the fetus in real time, its position within the mother, and to view the mother’s reproductive organs. It is an economic boon to medical practitioners who advocate its routine use.


Diagnostic ultrasound is widely declared to be “harmless” to the fetus (*), despite some mothers describing via online forums such as The Thinking Mother’s Revolution, vaginal bleeding and pain, and others describing every detail related to ultrasound and pharmaceutical or vaccine associated damage to their child. Ultrasound is now being applied to most of the entire world population during its fetal stage. The health implications are vast in terms of physical and psychological health for the individual and society.


(*) See: “Fetal Ultrasound”, John Hopkins Medicine Health Library.


Ultrasound appears to have set the human specie on a tragic path, due to the subtle and not-so-subtle effects of ultrasound exposure. Critics argue, for example, that the exponential rise in autism incidence is a product of fetal exposure to ultrasound. If they are correct, then it may take many generations to recover from this misguided application of medical technology.


Technical History:


Ultrasound imaging technology for diagnostic examinations evolved from a type of echo-imaging, originally developed as SONAR, a technology invented to detect submarines by pinging sound waves off the submarine hull and electronically measuring the echo, the duration required to reflect ultrasound from the submarine hull back to the source of the ultrasound.


In the medical field, ultrasound has been in use for many decades, employed to generate “echo images” of the fetus. Ultrasound is not ordinary sound, however.


It is a highly unusual form of sound when used for the purpose of prenatal or obstetric diagnostic examinations. Humans ordinarily are capable of hearing sounds in the range of 20 to 20,000 cycles per second (hertz). Ultrasound for fetal examination carries a frequency in the range of 3 to 9 megahertz, millions of cycles per second, above the EMF frequencies of the AM radio band.


Ultrasound imaging technology has supplanted, to an extent, the earlier imaging technology, X-rays. That older technology is now known publicly to be hazardous, to be carcinogenic; however, it took decades for this knowledge to become public. The history of medical X-ray imaging may be a parallel for ultrasound history. X-rays were previously known to be a risk though continuously advocated as harmless by the medical profession.

Anonymous ID: 2d184e Jan. 22, 2019, 8:49 p.m. No.4869694   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hierarchy in the Church of Satan


Anton LaVey formulated a system of degrees during the early years of the Church of Satan, as such was a general practice in many prior social and esoteric organizations. However, the criteria for elevation in our Church were based not on mysticism or occultism, but on knowledge of practical subjects beyond Satanism, and even more than that, on the application of such wisdom towards measurable ends. Dr. LaVey experimented by mandating the specific colors for medallions which could be worn by each member according to degree. And, for a time, written exams were given to assess a member’s readiness for a particular level.


In the mid 1970s, it became clear that many members had become obsessed with “jockeying for position”—being overly concerned with their place in the organization rather than working towards advancement in the world “outside.” This was contrary to our carnal philosophy’s emphasis on tangible personal progress and so, after that point, the existence of the degrees was de-emphasized in Church literature, and formulaic methods for recognition were jettisoned.

The First Degree denoting

Active Membership is only for members who seek more involvement with the organization and other local members.”


Today, we maintain our traditional degrees, but these should not be seen as “initiatory steps” which are expected of our members. The Church of Satan is not an initiatory organization. It is our position that, for those with awareness, by living fully you will have plenty of authentic initiatory experiences through the many avenues you explore, hence there is no need for such artificial posturing in our Church. In fact, no member is required to move beyond Registered Membership. The First Degree denoting Active Membership is only for members who seek more involvement with the organization and other local members. The remaining degrees (from the Second through the Fifth) are not open to application or to request. Our specific standards for them will not be publicly released. The administration watches the progress of qualified members, and may choose to grant recognition to outstanding individuals based on demonstrated excellence in the understanding and communication of Satanic Theory, coupled with significant potent practices in the arena of the real world which have produced superior achievements. People naturally and quite organically rise to particular levels, and we may take note at our discretion. This is meritocracy at work. So, if you are so inclined, keep us updated on your accomplishments so that your progress may be noted.


Satanas (Magus V°)

Anonymous ID: 2d184e Jan. 22, 2019, 9 p.m. No.4869813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9841

The Marxist (Left) V Zionist (Right) Deception


Soros v Netanyahu (Adelson) separate arms of the same beast and it's control system.


Same goals:

Control the world.

Elevate one class over another. Serfs/Elite. Jews/Goyim

Create a new world order.

Rule with an iron fist.

Control resources.

Eliminate competitors aka white people, black people, arab's, asians.

Greater Israel project.

Build third temple.

Bring forth the anti-christ.

Satanic rule.

Trick Christian's into believing the above must happen for the return of Jesus.

Control both sides of all arguments.

Endless death and suffering on competitors.


Traits of each:






Know thy enemy