>>4872846 (pb)
ever wonder where the fresh bread gets it's number from?…..lurk a bit and watch the patterns mate. the 777 was probably sniped for the next loaf by one of our patriot bakers. Welcome newfag, get comfy.
>>4872846 (pb)
ever wonder where the fresh bread gets it's number from?…..lurk a bit and watch the patterns mate. the 777 was probably sniped for the next loaf by one of our patriot bakers. Welcome newfag, get comfy.
why are we hearing that from ZH and not SS…..
Because she is a target of negative ops by MSM? Nah, that girl lives to tell those fuckers off…….she isn't "askeeeeered"
been here since Nov 2017……patience is a virtue……desire to understand must be present to stick it out among the wolves…..you'll be fine. Utilize the time you have and don't be afraid to speak….more often then not, helper anons will guide you…..
I too had the same question as you a LONG time ago and was rudely told "you have to go back" as the only answer……
There are some anons out there who have the time to give because they take the time to give….can't have what you don't take mate. Godspeed.
BO, BV are moderators of the board….they hold the keys, so to speak, and were given the rules, again, so to speak, by Q team.
If errrors are made, I.E. accidental doxx, incorrect bread numbers, etc etc, they are the ones who can fix them, not the bakers….they are the eyes in the sky, watching over the boards to make sure clowns and their likes don't fuck up the preservation process of the dissemination here.
Not a pro when it comes to BO, BV description…this is just what I observe….
I look at it this way….
The abilities these assholes in the "secret" clubs have regarding "top secret" information is due to the labors and toils of the public they keep these secrets from in the first place…..
There is no room for secret societies, top secret information, state secrets, etc etc.
If they want to keep secrets, they can find another fucking planet to live on. I, for one, am fucking sick of humans being farmed and used by other humans, and if it were to come to it, I would take the front lines against these fucks without regret.
Of course, you are all welcome to your own opinions on the matter, but I think the public around the world should see EVERYTHING their "money" has been buying…and I mean fucking EVERYTHING…….
The fact most wouldn't be able to comprehend such information is not their fault and was in fact the idea all along…to dumb people down to the point they would believe technology was magic…….
As I have stated in the past, the giant is awake, watching, and is not fucking amused by this shit.
(you) are late kek
what I see in those regards is the possibility that the FED itself is going to use the current form of currency to attempt to reach their agendas….and the good guys are using that understanding to allow the money to flow and create a trail to follow.
It was made clear the economy will not crash by the blatant 666 drop and the counter of raising it 1 point shortly afterwards…."2 can play that game"
While I don't really agree "currency" should even exist, as it is a double edged sword no matter the format of economic flow, it has to be used to end the current fiasco.
Can tell you this much….if the economy were really to crash, it would imply Patriots have lost control, and the line will have to be crossed (pray it doesn't) but I do not see that happening….all I see is reinforcement against it ever occurring, I.E. oil exportation…..that move is forcing hands all over the place, as the tech already exists to eliminate the necessity of oil period.
The trafficking arrests are the bonus round gets…..it is all based on fake currency, which is easily made and easily followed, and they are all stupid enough to continue thinking it holds sway over the world. The switch to hard currency (presumption) will not happen until we have eliminated greed on that front, meaning all who play that game will be prosecuted with NO DEALS….until then, we are still in control of all the numbers involved in current economic set up, and are prepared for the bullshit DS is capable of doing to fuck with those numbers.
mere speculation from me, anon…remain open minded to ALL….it is necessary….
not all too sure about MJF, really…..he's been under that story since Magic Johnson announced he had HIV….quite a fucking while ago…….which supposedly kills faster?
thinking logically about it….where do all eyes turn when shit like this is spoken? Not implying JK is a whitehat, but no matter what, if eyes are in the proper direction when the bombshell info is dropped, there is no more excuses to throw out there to the brainwashed people. Setting the stage, imo
o boy…here we go with dumbshits posting Q as a singular figure…….