Anonymous ID: 00586b Jan. 23, 2019, 7:55 a.m. No.4873879   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is the point of this board to learn truth, or is it to pursue political obsessions? Are you here for your own agenda, or to find and share truth? I came to find more detail, more true news, than can be found in the msm and I've shared what truth I have, and most of you ignore it, a few of you bash it, but none of you pursue it, and you will regret it. Tho not by my hand. Right now, the only thing that matters is preparing for what stands prophesied. WW3 will go hot on 2019, and it will break down into revolutionary wars in all nations. So says the prophet who accurately foretold our civil war and both world wars. That's all the confirmation you need. America will get nuked, our West coast will get invaded, northern Utah will be the only safe place, and when you get here you will need a year supply of food, and you will become a farmer and a Constitutionalist if you desire to survive. All those of you who do survive will do so only by heeding me now. You don't have years or months to prepare. You have days or weeks. Those who refuse to heed me won't survive what's coming. Those who don't heed will get to hear Jesus Christ tell you that you were warned.

The arrests will proceed, right into WW3.

Sauce is in Duane S. Crowther's 2 books on Prophecy. He cites the prophets and gives exact quotes.