Anonymous ID: 1e70d1 Jan. 23, 2019, 8:27 a.m. No.4874170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4331


>>4872505 (pb)

you really are sad sad people Israeli Zionist fren


almost as sad as American Zionist Alex Jones who pretends

he's never heard of Adnan Kashogi, that Pizzagate is fake news, but that Sandy Hook was real.


yes Zionist fren, the national march for life invited a whiny face-punchable self-confessed Zionist & white-hating, Arab-hating, ethnic cleansing supporting (in his own words) southern California lawyer, and James Gunn defender to address the assembled mostly white Christian throngs.


now why would that happen anon?


more to the point, why did Ben Shapiro

think it would be a good idea for him to speak?


having chosen to piss in the face of everyone watching, why did Dwarfmud Shapiro choose to also

shit on everyone present by regaling them with

his 2015 gag about baby Hitler, and after deciding upon his choice of material, why did

he repeat it? over, and over, and over…?


these are simple questions Zionist fren.


can you take a stab at why he spoke?


how about this question - why did non of

those present tell this creature to hush his

lying deceptive sophist Zionist mouth?


what think you? another failure by Christians?


no men present? there were children. you think

Christian children should listen to Zionist liars anon?


Another test failed.


anyway, see attached image of the Knesset at prayer.

Anonymous ID: 1e70d1 Jan. 23, 2019, 8:32 a.m. No.4874219   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sayfullo Saipov


long long time ago I did some digging

alas the material is on a toasted lap-top.


IIRC I found a couple of trailers this guy was supposed to have hauled around, and they did

have connections to Canada. Don't know if that is helpful.

Anonymous ID: 1e70d1 Jan. 23, 2019, 8:40 a.m. No.4874289   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Plan is going great.


A silent person broke their silence and erupted!


Made two calls to Elizabeth Warren; one to D.C., one to her MA office. Usually silent anon became madder when no-one picked up.


"She's flying off to to Puerto Rico to buy votes in the sun when it's like 4 degrees here and why isn't she talking about our roads? And why are we taking all these Puerto Ricans in anyway?"


and so it begins…



Anonymous ID: 1e70d1 Jan. 23, 2019, 8:48 a.m. No.4874371   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Jewish-owned media's 50 year rolling campaign of lies by act and omission has been calculated to intimidate and coerce white Christians and to fuel black and brown hatred of white American citizens.




Think death by a 1000 Holohoaxes.