Anonymous ID: fb3a45 Jan. 23, 2019, 8:13 a.m. No.4874042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4067


the title says it all…..grammarically challenged lonely clown in mommy's basement shunned by Q mainstream society and seeks revenge upon "those mean anons" for leaking author's breast-feeding habits past the age of 40-something… least that's what I got…


Bias in a title deserves bias in return. Go right ahead and write a piece that counters that bullshit….your audience if dumb enough to believe some shit like that, will most certainly believe your counter too….till then, real dissemination to be done here.

Anonymous ID: fb3a45 Jan. 23, 2019, 8:22 a.m. No.4874119   🗄️.is 🔗kun


then let the article do the talking for itself…our job is NOT to control what people think…our job is simply to turn heads…..


people can think for themselves….if not, they simply lose interest….

awake against the awake, sleepers up for grabs…….


you cannot force logic, it is either present in a person's analysis, or it isn't…period. There is no point in even giving the author of something like that the time of day. At this point, those who believe it's all for a LARP have already decided what their future holds. It is up to us NOT to control thought, but to be there when the real news drops and people who actually believe in articles like that are running around like chickens with their heads chopped off…up to us to sit and explain to them….until those people ASK for such things to be explained, it is not our job.


Process of elimination, anon…..let them expose themselves for what they are. Sleepers included. There will be a time to counter, and it isn't every time some dumbfuck clown writes a piece about Q.