Anonymous ID: ffcde6 Jan. 23, 2019, 8:10 a.m. No.4874024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4046 >>4057 >>4108 >>4375 >>4415 >>4463

Q: we need you.

New York is killing its babies.

Washington won’t stand up for its young men.

Catholic boys are slandered for believing In the promise that America will be great again.

Deciems founder is dead.

We wase through the mush to find the truth.

We are ready for arrests.

We are ready for the war,

We have believed. We have memed.

We have redpilled. We have started the clock.

We see signs everywhere. Where there are some and where we want there to be some.


Q: our friends aren’t sure if we are honest or crazy.

Frankly somedays we don’t know either. Does the bucket mean the White House is clean? Or that the shutdown left the White House without help?


It’s time.

You have it all.

The NSA has it all.

You have waited long enough.

You aren’t sleeping, you know the truth. Now we aren’t sleeping.

Let’s sleep again.

Let justice roll down, Potus.

It’s time.