Anonymous ID: 9ebdad Jan. 23, 2019, 10:23 a.m. No.4875311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5360 >>5557 >>5860 >>5911 >>5978

Palantir CEO claims terrorist plot foiled every week in Europe


Terrorist attacks are being foiled in Europe nearly every week, according to the CEO of Palantir, a data analysis company focused on national security.


Alex Karp is the head of the Silicon Valley-based company, which specializes in big-data analytics. One of the company’s main products, called Gotham, is used by counterterrorism analysts at numerous government agencies around the world.


Essentially, the system mines troves of data to try and detect terrorist plots before they are executed. According to Karp, dozens of attempted attacks are foiled across Europe every year.


“I find out about a stopped terror attack in Europe about once a week – and not just the caricature that we all see in the media of radical Muslim attacks – also far-right people attacking Muslims,” Karp said in an interview on inside.pod, a podcast by the Berlin-based, Axel Springer publishing company.


I believe that if those terror attacks had happened, you’d have a very different political reality, and that is super motivational.


Palantir’s data-analysis software works by connecting various dots hinting that someone is planning a terrorist attack. The indicators include many seemingly mundane activities such as buying plane or train tickets.


The company is known for secretive work with organizations including the US government and the US Army. Naturally, their work is highly controversial with many raising privacy concerns.


Karp attempted to answer the company’s critics in the interview. “Typically, people who are unhappy with Palantir being used by police and clandestine services and the special forces I believe either don’t believe we actually are providing data protection, which we are… or they don’t trust government entities of any kind to be truthful about what they’re doing,” he said.


Palantir software detected a suspicious pattern in the behavior of Anis Amri, the perpetrator of the 2016 Berlin Christmas market attack, and sent the details to police stations across Germany. It is also widely rumored to have helped catch Osama Bin Laden, though no evidence of this has ever been offered.


When pressed on the matter in the podcast, Karp said that he cannot comment. “I’m super proud of our work and there are someday a lot of stories I’d like to tell,” he said. “Hopefully I can talk about that one.”


Palantir was founded by venture capitalist Peter Thiel and other former PayPal alumni in 2004. It raised $500 million on a valuation of $20 billion in 2015. However, it has never reported a profit. Morgan Stanley now values the company at $4.4 billion.

Anonymous ID: 9ebdad Jan. 23, 2019, 10:24 a.m. No.4875326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5557 >>5860 >>5978

Grooming Gang Gets Taxpayer Money to Fight Deportation


A grooming gang in Britain has received over 1 million pounds in taxpayer funds to fight their deportation.


The Rochdale grooming gang, so loving referred to as “Asian” by the British government, has been charged with grooming and raping girls as young as 13 years old. All four men come from Pakistan.


Since Britain is still a part of the EU, the “Asian” gang gets to use Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Article 8 is used to protect families against traumatic experiences such as separation.


David Spencer of the Crime Prevention Think Tank weighed in on the matter: “These men have been convicted of some truly shocking offenses, and it beggars belief that they are now able to run up even bigger taxpayer-funded bills making spurious appeals to extend their stay in the UK.”


The four men have run up a bill on the taxpayer dime, estimated to be 1,009,645 pounds.


Their taxpayer funded lawyers are working very hard to stop their eminent deportations and most of them are already out of prison for these heinous crimes.


This event outlines the extreme detriment of the EU laws that Britain has to live under because Prime Minister May can’t seem to get her act together and deliver on the referendum vote.

Anonymous ID: 9ebdad Jan. 23, 2019, 10:24 a.m. No.4875332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5685 >>6010

Jeffries Backs Off Trump ‘Grand Wizard’ Comment — ‘He Has Presided and Engaged in Directly a Series of Racially Insensitive Remarks’


Although he did not say he regretted calling President Donald Trump “the grand wizard of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,” Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) backed off his comment on Wednesday, saying he does not actually think the president “is a card-carrying member of the KKK.”


However, Jeffries pointed out Trump “has presided and engaged in directly a series of racially insensitive remarks.”


Jeffries told CNN “New Day” host Alisyn Camerota that Martin Luther King, Jr., Day should be a day where people can have a “candid” conversation about race.


“But you called the president the grand wizard meaning of the KKK. That’s language of the KKK. You think the president of the United States is connected to the KKK? He’s a Klansman?” Camerota asked.


He replied, “Absolutely not, and as you know, Alisyn, I did not use the words racist in any of my comments.”


“I do not believe that the president is a card-carrying member of the KKK, but he has presided over and engaged in directly a series of racially insensitive remarks. We cannot whitewash that. We cannot hide it. And on King Day, we should be able to have that candid discussion,” Jeffries added.

Anonymous ID: 9ebdad Jan. 23, 2019, 10:28 a.m. No.4875354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5742

Doctors Say Number of Serious Injuries Inflicted on Yellow Vests Unprecedented


Doctors, activists and others are sounding the alarm over the number of serious injuries suffered by Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vest) movement activists at the hands of police during the past several weeks.


The French Interior Ministry has claimed that in the first nine weeks of the Yellow Vest protests around 1,800 protesters and 1,000 police officers have been injured but have not separated out those with serious injuries, L’Express reports.


Doctors in France’s emergency rooms say that some of the injuries have been extremely serious, blaming the police use of “flash-ball” shots which have led to some of the most serious injuries, including at least four protestors, two of them women, who have lost an eye and suffered some form of disfigurement.


Documentary filmmaker David Dufresne has revealed the details of some of the most serious injuries, listing protestors who have lost hands, had jaws shattered or their eyes ripped open.


The level of police violence against the Yellow Vests was condemned by Amnesty International as early as mid-December and has been followed by medical professionals including facial reconstruction surgeon Professor Laurent Lantieri, a pioneer in facial transplantation.


Emergency physician Dr Christophe Prudhomme, who works at a hospital in the Paris suburbs, said the highest number of injuries occurred at the “Act IV” protest in December but that every Saturday the hospital sees a surge in emergency cases.

Anonymous ID: 9ebdad Jan. 23, 2019, 10:29 a.m. No.4875366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5399 >>5757

Will this one item be bad enough to sink the Barr nomination?


Last week, I wrote to you about all the gun control restrictions that William Barr supports.


As you know, Barr has been nominated by President Trump to be the next “top cop” in America.


Well, Barr’s support for gun control is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to reasons why the Senate should defeat his nomination.


An excellent article by James Bovard lays out Barr’s role in planning and covering up the massacre of Randy Weaver’s family at Ruby Ridge.


I will give you the highlights of this article (below), but you can read the entire piece here.


You may remember that Randy Weaver was entrapped by a federal agent for violating a very technical part in the federal gun law.


U.S. Marshals later launched an offensive against the family, first, killing Weaver’s 14-year-old son. Then, an FBI sniper shot Weaver in the back and murdered his wife, as she stood in the doorway of their cabin holding her baby.


Afterwards, an Idaho jury found Weaver not guilty on almost all counts, and a federal judge blasted the Justice Department and FBI for concealing evidence and demonstrating “a callous disregard for the rights of the defendants and the interests of justice.”


All of this was under the leadership of then Attorney General William Barr.


Barr misrepresents his involvement in Ruby Ridge


Barr claimed at the time that he had no involvement in the Ruby Ridge shootings, even though it all happened under his jurisdiction.


But, in 1995, The Washington Post reported that “top officials of the Bush Justice Department had at least 20 contacts concerning Ruby Ridge in the 24 hours before [Weaver’s wife] was shot” — and that two calls involved Barr.


Remember how, in my letter to you last week, I mentioned that Barr had misrepresented the truth (under oath) when he told Senators last week that he did not support the 1991 semi-automatic ban?


Well, Bovard shows that Barr also fibbed when he claimed no direct involvement in Ruby Ridge — even though he had sat in on at least two phone calls.


But that’s not all: When the FBI sniper who murdered Vicki Weaver was faced with criminal charges, Barr tried to get immunity for the killer.


He tried to get the judge to dismiss the charges on the general theory that prosecuting FBI snipers “undermine[d]” the attorney General.


Barr spent two weeks organizing former Attorneys General on behalf of the FBI killer. He “assisted in framing arguments” before the district court and on appeals.


In fact, a majority of Barr’s pro bono activities have consisted of trying to cover up for the massacre at Rudy Ridge and exonerating the government killers.


Is it any wonder that Barr supported semi-auto and magazine bans for “the little people” — and helped create Brady Checks — and then denied it under oath?


Is it any wonder that Barr’s top priority as Attorney General would be “secret police-initiated orders” to raid gun owners’ homes in the middle of the night (aka, “red flag” laws)?


The Attorney General is an important and powerful position. And it is imperative that the Senate does NOT confirm William Barr as the nation’s top cop.


So please contact your senators again and present them with this new information from the Bovard article.


Let them know that his previous “tour of duty” as Attorney General in 1992 does not deserve a promotion in 2019.

Anonymous ID: 9ebdad Jan. 23, 2019, 10:31 a.m. No.4875391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5835 >>5938

After loosening gun laws, Italy now strengthens its self-defense laws


In September last year, the Italian government loosened the countries gun laws. The new law doubled the number of “sport” weapons that licensed citizens could own, a category that includes some semiautomatic weapons such as several models of the AR-15. It also loosened limits on magazine capacity.

Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has rejected that he is arming Italy up, saying he just wants to give good guys a chance to defend themselves.

And he is apparently persuading more civilians that it is a good idea. In a recent survey, 39 percent of Italians said they were in favor of making it easier to get a gun for self-defense – up from 26 percent in 2015.

Although there are no reliable statistics on gun ownership, a recent study estimated that 4.5 million Italians (out of a population of 60 million) live in a home with a firearm.

And the number of sport shooting licenses – the license of choice for ordinary citizens who want to keep a gun at home for self-defense – has skyrocketed from 400,000 in 2014 to nearly 600,000 this year. (Italy’s heavily armed criminal mobs, do not bother with licenses.)

The government’s bill on legitimate-self-defence will be approved by the end of February, Matteo Salvini said.

The bill will introduce rules similar to the US stand-your-ground laws where virtually all forms of self-defence on one’s property against intruders are deemed legitimate.

The aim is to protect the sacrosanct right to legitimate defence of good citizens, shopkeepers, entrepreneurs and farmers.

Anonymous ID: 9ebdad Jan. 23, 2019, 10:33 a.m. No.4875412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5444 >>5453 >>5540 >>5743

170 Million Americans are Drinking Radioactive Water. This Interactive Map Shows If You Are, Too


Everyone needs water to survive. But in the United States of America, more than 170 million people are drinking radioactive water, according to a new study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG). The consumption of radioactive elements may increase the risk of cancer, which is why this revelation is so concerning. Fortunately, a new interactive map reveals the locations the radioactive water has been found. This may enable citizens to find an alternate source of aqua until the public health crisis is fixed.


For its investigation, the EWG analyzed nearly 50,000 public water systems in all 50 US states. The group found that the water supply consumed by 170 million Americans contain radioactive elements. In 27 states, water supplies exceeded the EPA’s legal limits. Consumption of radioactive elements is linked with an elevated risk of cancer, as well as harm to fetal growth and brain development.


According to the EWG, the most common radioactive element in American tap water is radium. Radium enters groundwater naturally through openings in the Earth’s crust. Activities such as oil and gas drilling tend to disturb the deposits from the rock and the soil; this can release ions (known as “ionizing”). The EPA categorizes ionized radiation as “carcinogenic” and set safe limits in 1976. However, the EWG says the legal limits are outdated.


This was made apparent when nearly all samples from the investigation exceeded California state scientists’ public health goals for two separate radium isotopes, set in 2006. They are hundreds of times more stringent than the EPA’s standard for the two isotopes combined. As IFLScience points out, if California standards were upheld in all 50 states, no more than one case of cancer per one million people would be due to the water supply. As it is, the EPA levels allow for 70 cases per 1 million people.


Said Olga Naidenko, PhD and EWG’s senior science advisor for children’s environmental health:


“Most radioactive elements in tap water come from natural sources, but that doesn’t take away the need to protect people through stronger standards and better water treatment. Millions of Americans are drinking water with potentially harmful levels of radioactive elements, but the outdated federal standards mean many people don’t know about the risk they face when they turn on the tap.”


Which state had the most radium in its water supply? That would be Texas. Approximately 80 percent of residents in the Lone Star state has radium in its water supply. To help consumers know if they are drinking radium-contaminated water, the EWG released an interactive map that requires only a zip code. Find it by clicking here.

Anonymous ID: 9ebdad Jan. 23, 2019, 10:35 a.m. No.4875431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5448 >>5529 >>5778

UN Demands Illegal Aliens Get ‘Equal Access’ to Healthcare


The UN World Health Organisation (WHO) is demanding Europe create “culturally sensitive, refugee-friendly healthcare systems” which provide equal access to public health services for third world migrants “regardless of their legal status”.


In its first report on the health of non-European migrants living on the continent, WHO Europe cites “xenophobia” and “sovereignism” — the defence of national sovereignty — as “major” barriers in the way of establishing “refugee- and migrant-friendly healthcare systems” across the entire region.


According to the globalist heath body, which says it is “making progress in implementing its goals”, Europe should provide “quality and affordable health coverage as well as social protection for all refugees and migrants regardless of their legal status” through systems which are “culturally and linguistically sensitive”.


In a foreword which describes “population movement” as a “defining phenomena of our time” as a result of global “economic inequalities”, WHO Migration and Health Programme chief Santino Severoni declares that “the contribution of refugees and migrants… in developing the societies in which we currently live should not be forgotten”, claiming “migration has always been a reality for [Europe]”.


“The most important is the access to health services. To improve their health, it is important to fill the gap for access to basic care,” Severoni told AFP.


Alleging that “health is very politicised and used as a tool of fear”, Severoni claimed that — in the face of “people, and some governments … reacting emotionally when it comes to newcomers because of the lack of information and data” — that the report provides “a wonderful opportunity to diffuse false myths, misperceptions and negative narrative”.

Anonymous ID: 9ebdad Jan. 23, 2019, 10:38 a.m. No.4875464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5824

‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ – Why the ‘Probable Carcinogen’ Glyphosate is Sprayed on Your Food Crops Right Before Harvest


Glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto‘s Roundup herbicide, is recognized as the world’s most widely used weed killer. What is not so well known is that farmers also use glyphosate on crops such as wheat, oats, edible beans and other crops right before harvest, raising concerns that the herbicide could get into food products.


Escalating Use of Probable Carcinogen


Glyphosate has come under increased scrutiny in the past year. Last year the World Health Organization’s cancer group, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, classified it as a probable carcinogen. The state of California has also moved to classify the herbicide as a probable carcinogen. A growing body of research is documenting health concerns of glyphosate as an endocrine disruptor and that it kills beneficial gut bacteria, damages the DNA in human embryonic, placental and umbilical cord cells and is linked to birth defects and reproductive problems in laboratory animals.

What is not so well known is that farmers also use glyphosate on crops such as wheat, oats, edible beans and other crops right before harvest.


A recently published paper describes the escalating use of glyphosate: 18.9 billion pounds have been used globally since its introduction in 1974, making it the most widely and heavily applied weed-killer in the history of chemical agriculture. Significantly, 74 percent of all glyphosate sprayed on crops since the mid-1970s was applied in just the last 10 years, as cultivation of GMO corn and soybeans expanded in the U.S. and globally.

Glyphosate Used to Speed Up Wheat Harvest


Charles Benbrook, Ph.D., who published the paper on the mounting use of glyphosate, says the practice of spraying glyphosate on wheat prior to harvest, known as desiccating, began in Scotland in the 1980s.


“Farmers there often had trouble getting wheat and barley to dry evenly so they can start harvesting. So they came up with the idea to kill the crop (with glyphosate) one to two weeks before harvest to accelerate the drying down of the grain,” he said.


The pre-harvest use of glyphosate allows farmers to harvest crops as much as two weeks earlier than they normally would, an advantage in northern, colder regions.


The practice spread to wheat-growing areas of North America such as the upper Midwestern U.S. and Canadian provinces such as Saskatchewan and Manitoba.


“Desiccation is done primarily in years where conditions are wet and the crop is slow to dry down,” Joel Ransom, an agronomist at North Dakota State University, said.


Ransom says desiccating wheat with glyphosate has been a useful tool for farmers.


“It does help hasten dry down and controls grain weeds and other material that slows down the threshing practice,” he said. “It has an important role in areas where it’s wet.”


Ransom says the practice has increased in North Dakota, which is the leading wheat-producing state in the U.S., over the past 15 years due to wetter weather.


While more common in Upper Midwestern states where there is more moisture, desiccation is less likely to be done in drier wheat growing areas of Kansas, Oklahoma, Washington and Oregon.

Anonymous ID: 9ebdad Jan. 23, 2019, 10:40 a.m. No.4875478   🗄️.is 🔗kun




We are delighted here at the site that Michelle Alexander’s excellent long New York Times column is getting huge attention — and we are also a little puzzled. The Times has previously run occasional opinion articles critical of Israel and sympathetic to Palestinians, but none of them has had the reverberating impact of Professor Alexander’s January 20 piece. Her article is already clearly a watershed moment, with arguably even more impact on mainstream U.S. opinion than Israel’s onslaught last spring against Gaza’s Great March of Return, which left more than 150 Palestinians dead and another 5800 wounded by live ammunition.


Israel’s Hasbara Central has already recognized the danger. The Israel lobby’s usual suspects struck back immediately, calling Alexander’s measured article “a rant,” with “countless outrages,” that even amounts to “a strategic threat” to Israel.


Why has Alexander prompted such a huge reaction? I have some tentative explanations.


  • First, Alexander reveals an open secret — that many mainstream American progressives have been afraid to speak out against Israel because they fear losing funding for their other important causes, or they fear being smeared by the pro-Israel forces. Alexander bravely includes herself in this category, hinting that she worried that her pathbreaking research and writing into systemic racial discrimination in America could be jeopardized if she came out decisively for Palestine. Her headline told the story: “Time to Break the Silence About Palestine.”


  • The U.S. political climate is changing, to be steadily more sympathetic to Palestinians. Young people, Jews and others, no longer uncritically accept the Israel lobby’s propaganda. For the first time, two members of the U.S. Congress, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, outspokenly favor the nonviolent program of Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS).


  • Michelle Alexander is a respected and experienced scholar, who won sufficient renown in her field to be offered a regular New York Times column. (Hasbara Central must be panicking that she will continue to speak out regularly, now that she has broken the ice.)


  • We in the alternative press forget how successfully the Times and other mainstream media have protected themselves inside a pro-Israel propaganda fortress. You have to set the occasional pro-Palestine opinion article in the Times alongside the paper’s chronically biased news coverage, day after day, year after year. So when Michelle Alexander says straightforwardly that Israel has “adopted some practices reminiscent of apartheid in South Africa and Jim Crow segregation in the United States,” her view will come as no surprise to regular visitors to Mondoweiss, but those who read the Times on the 7:17 train down from Westchester into New York City may jump out of their seats.


  • That Michelle Alexander is a distinguished African-American academic may also be a factor. Many black Americans have for decades seen certain parallels between their situation and the oppression that Palestinians face, a comparison that is surely giving the Israel lobby nightmares.


  • Finally, Alexander’s article is extraordinarily eloquent and moving. You expect well-crafted pieces in the Times, but she has written a masterpiece. Here is how she ended: “In this new year, I aim to speak with greater courage and conviction about injustices beyond our borders, particularly those that are funded by our government, and stand in solidarity with struggles for democracy and freedom. My conscience leaves me with no other choice.”


Her article will surely appear in eventual histories about the liberation of Palestine, marking a turning point in history.

Anonymous ID: 9ebdad Jan. 23, 2019, 10:41 a.m. No.4875495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5581

Cartel Gunmen Storm Cancún Residence, Kill Seven


Seven men were gunned down in a Cancún residence Sunday as cartel-related homicides continue to shock the traditionally tourist-friendly city.


Municipal police responded to a shots-fired call at approximately 5 am near a residence located at Supermanzana 219, according to local reporting. Officers discovered five male murder victims outside and two more within the home.


Witnesses reportedly said at least three gunmen arrived in a Dodge Ram 2500, possibly followed by another vehicle. They opened fire on the five standing outside and then entered to kill the remaining two, according to Alberto Capella, the State Director of Public Security. Nearby home security cameras provided information on vehicle descriptions. Forensic investigators recovered at least 18 shell casings from .223, 7.62 mm, and 9 mm calibers. Witnesses reported hearing gunfire for 1 to 2 minutes.


During a press conference, Capella asked citizens for help in locating the suspects responsible for the attack and blamed a turf war between rival street-level gangs as the cause. Capella identified a suspect, “El Gomitas,” as the leader of the group responsible for the shooting. Capella said Cancún would be receiving reinforcements from federal police.


On January 7, nearby Playa Del Carmen suffered a homicide case involving seven victims after two men carrying rifles stormed a bar and began firing indiscriminately. Theories being examined by law enforcement suggests the attack was a pressure play on business owners to change the recipients of their protection money. Despite being known as a “safe” region, Cancún and its surrounding areas are suffering a spike in cartel violence as rival criminal organizations fight for control of the lucrative local drug market, sex trade, and trafficking routes provided by the nearby international shipping ports.


Statistics compiled by local media from law enforcement sources suggest Cancún already suffered 25 homicides in 2019. Breitbart News recently reported that in 2018, Cancún smashed its previous annual record for murders with at least 540—the previous mark was 227 in 2017.

Anonymous ID: 9ebdad Jan. 23, 2019, 10:45 a.m. No.4875541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5697



Zionism and the Zionist state terror have only one goal: the sole claim to power on Palestine and the enforcement of this claim by all means. Are they so sure that they can always rely on state European and US support?


The ethnic cleansing of Palestine is a crime against humanity


The ethnic cleansing of Palestine is a crime against humanity, unpunished until today, and leads from Deir Yassin to Gaza. (1) (2)


Fortress Bundestag or Chancellery


In fact, this Zionist colonial policy is losing more and more support in the German, European and American populations. But what does that do to the rulers? Have you ever seriously dealt with citizens’ interests and ideas?Why? Are you so sure in their fortress Bundestag or Chancellery. Seldom did one see so run-down politicians across all parties. They aimlessly give interviews and travel the world, always with the transatlantic alliance in sight, human rights or not. Just do not offend or annoy the “US friend”.

Anonymous ID: 9ebdad Jan. 23, 2019, 10:47 a.m. No.4875563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5860 >>5978

Israel must stop 'spontaneous' Syria strikes: Russia


Russia has urged Israel to stop its "spontaneous" airstrikes on Syria, days after the Israeli military carried out fresh strikes against targets near the Syrian capital, Damascus.


Israel has repeatedly attacked Syrian government positions under the pretext that its attacking Iranian military advisers, who are in the country on a request from President Bashar al-Assad to assist the Syrian Army in their fight against foreign-backed terrorists.


"The practice of spontaneous strikes on the territory of a sovereign state, in this case Syria, must end," Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Wednesday, according to Russia's TASS state news agency.


Zakharova (pictured below) said such moves by Tel Aviv only fueled tensions in the region and harmed the long-term interests of all regional players, including Israel itself.

Anonymous ID: 9ebdad Jan. 23, 2019, 10:50 a.m. No.4875596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5623 >>5670 >>5808 >>5860 >>5978

Illegal Alien Sentenced to 401 Years in Prison for Kidnapping, Rape, Child Molestation


An illegal alien in California has been sentenced to 401 years in prison for multiple violent sex crimes committed against a family, according to a district attorney office.


Macario Cerda was sentenced on Jan. 17, for three counts of forcible rape against two victims between 2009 and 2013. He was also convicted of one count of kidnapping to commit rape, one count of criminal threats, and seven counts of lewd acts upon a child under the age of fourteen.


The 39-year-old also has prior convictions of felony domestic violence and criminal threats against the victims’ mother, according to court records. He was subsequently deported but the illegal alien got back into the United States within five months and continued to terrorize the family.


“Behind the closed doors of this family, the women and girls suffered greatly from the ongoing and horrific violence at the hands of Cerda,” the Tulare County District Attorney’s Office said in a press release.


The attorney’s office detailed the horrific incidents in the press release. Back in 2013, Cerda, who was dating the victim’s mother at the time, forced one of the victims into his van and drove her to a remote location. There, he raped her while threatening to harm other members of her family. At one point, the victim’s mother called, overheard the yelling, and called the police.


The victim managed to escape by jumping into the driver’s seat and driving away after Cerda had left the van. He was later caught by Tulare County Sheriff’s deputies.


Officials said during the investigation of the 2013 rape, authorities discovered that the victim had been raped by Cerda previously when she was a minor in 2010. As a result of the attack, she became pregnant and gave birth to a child.


The victim’s younger sister also told investigators that Cerda had raped and abused her in 2009 when she was also a child. As she spoke at Cerda’s sentencing, she described the crimes he committed against the women in her family such as holding a knife to her sister’s throat. According to the attorney’s office, she started every description with the words “I forgive you for…”


“Her capacity to find forgiveness for a man who so terrorized a family is nothing short of remarkable,” officials said.

Anonymous ID: 9ebdad Jan. 23, 2019, 10:51 a.m. No.4875603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5644 >>5665 >>5860 >>5978 >>6046

Cohen postpones testimony, citing threats from Trump


Michael Cohen, the former attorney and fixer for President Trump who is now cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller, is postponing his planned testimony next month to Congress.


“Due to ongoing threats against his family from President Trump and Mr. Giuliani, as recently as this weekend, as well as Mr. Cohen's continued cooperation with ongoing investigations, by advice of counsel, Mr. Cohen’s appearance will be postponed to a later date,” Cohen’s lawyer Lanny Davis said in a statement.