>>4875266 (lb)
why do you lie?
I was pointing out that Ivana was quite close to Estee Lauder, in light of Brandon Truaxe being murdered for calling out Estee Lauder's family, particularly Ronald Lauder President of the World Jewish Congress.
When did Q research turn into Trump worship?
Where is Q? Did Trump fire him?
Estee Lauder (the company) removes Brandon Truaxe…Oct 14, 2018
Brandon Truaxe post some shit about Estee Lauder's family on Instagram..
Brandon Lauder is found dead.
Anon's ignore my posts about Ronald Lauder, president of World Jewish Congress being invited to the White House while Macron is there.
Anon's ignore Q's posts of the Pope with World Jewish Congress..
Anons ignore the fact that David Rothschild is the chair of the World Jewish Congress…
Anons ignore that Trump just signed a bill protecting Jews, in honor of Elie Weisel (pronounce weasel)
Every day I see less research, and more Trump worship.
Everyday I see memes hating the Jews, but the same people posting memes about the Jews worship Jared Kushner mister 666 himself with ties to chinese and russian spies…
This place is going off the deep end..
I feel like this..
If it turns out the Jews are evil, then what?
Q brought me here, not you, so fuck off.
Q has responded to two of my posts, so fuck off.
I have 7000+ followers on twitter that I "kvetch" to, so fuck off.
Well, just like the Masons have a special lodge for blacks and women,
the Jews have a special cult for blacks and women…
But call out a mason or a jew, and be ready to be labelled a racist bigot..
KYS = Filter..
> e859b32ff52a25542e0293eedb….jpg)
Says the bot with the filename only a JIDF faggot would use…
Why does he feel the need to continuously, endlessly boast..?