>>4876071 (LB)
my point was if it was a trap, and they did their due diligence as journalists, then they would not have fallen for it.
but i don't think it was a trap either.
>>4876071 (LB)
my point was if it was a trap, and they did their due diligence as journalists, then they would not have fallen for it.
but i don't think it was a trap either.
I believe the president isn't allowed on the premises while they are in session and it's customary when he is invited that they adjourn the current session of congress and senate. separation of powers and all that.
well income tax isn't the only tax tho. there's property taxes and excise taxes and all kinds of shit you have to pay just for owning your own shit.
I think so too, she's just putting up as much of a fight as she can like a true obstructionist.
forgot to add, I think it's an important fact that HE HOLD IT THERE so that they HAVE TO ADJOURN and therefore aren't protected from being arrested or criminally detained.. does she know something is about to drop? is it looming over her head ready to fall?
lower case " n " and " os " are definitely not a match
fuck that, bologna sandwiches are good.. those rejects eat babies in underground caves.
sure, but to me this is not a small change, these are pretty large variations, someone not even making the same motions.
I'm against marriage being a legal institution anyway.
sure, it's purely academic at this point. but might be interesting reference later, you never know.
sorry dude. enjoy what of it you can and I hope it doesn't turn into bickering.
heck man i'm not saying you didn't get a lot of the state's boot off your back, but short of disappearing into the woods and living off the land you're never going to be " tax free " XD
the reason it doesn't work is they have no sense of shame.