Poor Latin America, so far from heaven so close to USA
More than 50 years under C-A rules
More than 500 under SJW boots
Patriotism and freedom for SAmerica
We are United
Poor Latin America, so far from heaven so close to USA
More than 50 years under C-A rules
More than 500 under SJW boots
Patriotism and freedom for SAmerica
We are United
Good idea for franchising
CIA in South America
Backgrounders - October 24, 2007
Fueled by the Cold War and transnational corporate interests, the U.S. has covertly tinkered with the governments of Latin American countries since World War 2, producing an extremely violent and unstable political climate. This history gives context to the growing anti-Americanism in Latin America, most visibly illustrated in the open defiance of Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez and Bolivia’s Evo Morales to US policy. It also gives context to the recent trend in Latin America to elect left-wing governments.
Maduro GTFO all US Diplomatics and break relashionships