Senate funding bill that includes $5.7 billion for the wall extends 2018 prohibition barring actually using the funds to build the wall
If all you read was headlines, you might get the impression that the omnibus spending bill offered by the Senate to end the partial government shutdown includes full $5.7 billion funding for the wall. But you’d be wrong.
“Senate GOP unveils omnibus bill to fund wall, reopen government,” reads one headline from Roll Call.
“Senate panel releases text of bill to reopen government, includes wall money,” declares Fox News.
“McConnell says vote expected Thursday on legislation to fund Trump’s border wall and reopen government,” CNN blares.
There’s just one problem. While the Senate legislation does in fact offer $5.7 billion for physical barriers, it leaves in place a 2018 prohibition on using those funds to build the prototype walls the President has been touting, including the steel barrier.
Moar Fuckery