Anonymous ID: 2d965e Jan. 23, 2019, 1:07 p.m. No.4877433   🗄️.is 🔗kun

control with words

control with just the threat of words

if someone calls another an anarchic terrorist, a bomb throwing nut, is it true just because they say it?

if someone calls another an extremist for sharing a view or 2 with a loon, can one accurately be painted with that same loony brush?

are people afraid of being labeled?

are people the labels that others give?

are people the things that others fear, just because THEY want others to think so?

what's in a name?

Sticks & Stones, Patriot Brothers and Sisters. Sticks and motherfuckin Stones.


Not into prophesy, but perhaps a prediction. A few million people can be "ignored"; a couple tens of millions can be "throttled"; 300 million people STANDING can't be opposed. IF the (Dems(Establishment(Cabal))) government faction does not quit with it's BLATENT disregard for AMERICANS best interest, thumbing it's collective nose at ALL FREEDOM lovers, THEY may find out what this country really is. TOGETHER we are STRONG.

Imagine a time; instead of heading off to work, getting the kids to school, working in the yard, or whatever, people just went to their local representative of the (Dems(Establishment(Cabal))) corruption with a big bag lunch. Got comfy out front of an FBI office, lawn chaired it outside Langley, BBQ'd on the Capital Mall. Just sat there and watched them. Every day. Until.


UNITED, Freedom loving Patriots can not be defeated. One of the primary purposes of the "news media" fakenews industry today is disinforming America and the world at large. Keeping people separated with superficial labels. Not just "misinforming" all (as if that weren't bad enough), but actually running a psyop, based on disinfo, on the civilian populations of the entire world. They are just high paid, high tech ILLUSIONISTS. IGNORE FAKE NEWS!

It's not terribly hard to get news from other sources. Shit, the weather rock outside is more accurate about the state of things than the cabal trained puppets.


All have a state needed to survive. All have a want for comfort. All have a sense as to what one deserves of those wants and needs. Ultimately though, it comes down to what one actually has.

So what state is needed within a country in order to survive?

Perhaps one that is not filled with intentional criminality. Importing drugs, criminals, shit, fuckin straight up SLAVES!

Perhaps one where the news media tries to accurately share important news instead of spinning ribbons of lies around the prepackaged box of disinfo.

Perhaps one where ALL are protected, regardless of status.

Does that state exist in America, the world, now?



No sense worrying about what one wants in the way of comforts if the basic needs are not being met…

THEY try to tell all that our wants ARE our needs (muh cheez). THEY try to fool all into ignoring the NEEDS altogether…

DESERVE never enters into the equation with THEM.

THEY do their utmost to blind people to reality; the unawakened don't even know what they have or lack. Who will complain about life if life isn't even recognized?


The world is entering into a New Age of Enlightenment. A world where TRUTH is a must. A world where LIES are punished. A world where the structure that the Cabal built CAN'T stand.


A few items of note, speaking of can't stand.

Poisoning our food and water;


Infliction of criminality and addiction; MS-13 in the United States and Federal Law Enforcement Efforts


Intentional abuse of human rights; (8296 occured after pre-term viability…) child abuse stats


Just a small taste. The list of crimes being perpetrated against the world is LITERALLY endless…and the WALL puts a kink in nearly every category. "Build THE WALL and crime will fall".

This is about RIGHT vs WRONG.



Every Patriot has asked the President to do what is RIGHT. When he asks the Patriots to do what is RIGHT, will Patriots answer the call?

Sheep no more.


Be Worthy.