Remove the local Catholic Church and any Masons. Problem solved.
Start referring to them as the Pharisees. All Jews aren't bad and can be Christian. Bible even refers to them having a special place in his heart when they become one.
The Vatican is the only mafia there is. The rest of the power is in families/bloodlines and all channel Satan and carry out his will. That's why you can't kill it, you can however be protected from it and render it's powers useless through faith and being a servant of God. What took Satan centuries to arrange and bring to a climax Q team is attempting to dismantle in a matter of a few years. It has taken divine patience and wisdom to carry out against the old dragon but I believe we can all attest to being amazed by our success against such a deeply entrenched enemy. Carry on Q team, I stand amazed and forever in your debt. Keep praying for them anaons.