Fascinating post on Youtube, no? The backstory: Someone bought a pair of ornate brass candle holders at an estate sale and showed them on video. Among other ornamental work on each piece, horned goats heads were part of the design. Someone commented they might be for satanic worship. This person clarified further. Right out of Q research! Is the description close?
I found a stuffed green toy frog on my dog walk this morning? A message from God?
All? Maybe most of them mere puppets? Handlers above them? That is one big gas oven you have to build to get rid of all of them.
it could have been anything, but no, it was a green frog with googly eyes. SMH
The 9-11 connection is true, but there is a reason why the Aristocrats Joke has been around a long time. Gilbert didn't create it. He just added his own twist,. Perhaps the most demented one yet.
The huge fan of Generals Pershing, Patton and Eisenhower in me has a hard time with micro-managing the timeline, and second guessing hammer time. Best military there is aside, we're still dealing with human beings. I sense something is wrong, and I hope I'm wrong.