Chief Justice Roberts leaves it up to the individual justice if they want to appear. But it would start a conversation if she was not there, or was barely alive.
Appears to be a mixture of iron and clay to me.
Tom Fitton or Jay Sekulaw would probably notice, and do something, if they were one of the litigants. Maybe others. Assuming Gorsuch and K know, and haven't leaked it, is kind of problematical.
If there's national reciprocity, anyone can get a conceal carry permit in the easiest state to do so, and the rest of the states would have to honor it.
Marine the SS shot
POTUS wields the bully pulpit better than Teddy
Arizona is, for all intents and purposes, the best state for gun owners in the nation. The state has constitutional carry and recognizes all valid licenses. Furthermore, many states recognize an Arizona license, which is attainable by residents and non-residents alike. Residents enjoy reciprocity with 38 states, non-resident permits from Arizona by 31. A background check and fingerprinting (including electronically) are required, as is a training course of some kind. Arizona accepts a number of courses for the training requirement, including any NRA course. The fee for the license itself is a very reasonable $60 (other processing fees are involved and you must pay for training) and the license is good for five years.. Continue reading at:
I was kind of hoping Trump would revive the Bull Moose Party; I would absolutely love that happening
"He's talking to this board."
Hope so. Would like to know that Venezuela is in good hands by then.
She is a conspirator in a hard coup to place her in the White House. Her ability to run about freely needs to end.
It's one of those things you should get even if you don't think you're going to need it. Couple bucks.
Aye, and 38 states recognize a ccw from there.
If blacks did, so did you.
No, it was a dig.
Open carry puts a target on your back; you have something worth stealing. Concealed carry keeps people guessing.
Jefferson's comment in an 1825 letter to William Short: "Some are whigs, liberals, democrats, call them what you please. Others are tories, serviles, aristocrats, &c. The latter fear the people, and wish to transfer all power to the higher classes of society; the former consider the people as the safest depository of power in the last resort; they cherish them therefore, and wish to leave in them all the powers to the exercise of which they are competent."
Jefferson to William Short, January 8, 1825, in Ford, XII:335
People in handcuffs and orange jumpsuits look guilty as hell in court.
Nice job. Still think it's pretty clear there is not a genuine signature on today's letter; not sure what that portends. Plausible deniability seems right out the window.
Bake America Great Again
Did Q just drop all their fancy stuff for us and give us 1 year deltas? Awfully kind of them!
Number of times he will be asked about that: zero point zero.
Oh, the nazi movie. How apt.
Statehood for DC? Alaska and Hawaii came in in '59
Flip 'em tho
14 states are actively conducting criminal investigations into hundreds, if not thousands, of pedo priests.
Try 6
The shit Q posted a year ago is coming true today; part of the whole "future proves past" paradigm.
Harassed by the LEFT for letting the boy speak his piece.
1694 years late imo
Now we're cookin'!
Maritime law?
If her coup succeeded, she'd be POTUS 46, and her plane would be AF1
Black Sunday would be a bad movie parallel
Absolutely. Also, since the signature on "her" letter today was not hers, maybe already happened?
Bake someone happy!
Yeah, we were trying to place it. Not sure if successful. Think it has something to do with the sun going down on the DS, around the Winter Solstice. Kind of looks like the gulf coast of Florida.
That poor baby.
Psychopaths are really good at using vulnerable people. It's what they do best.
I'm with you. Fox reportingโฆ.?
The pre-Woodrow Wilson government? How on earth would that be possible?
Didn't work when he was there either.
Shake 'n Bake