>>4878939 (lb)
It seems Potus has been dangling the proverbial carrot for some time.
Have anons not noticed?
Never is the Pres. and V. Pres. at same public location at same time, but for very rare occasions or at WH.
That is due to the COG precautions.
Yet we hear constantly of late "The Pres. and V. Pres. were at such and such…", or "The Pres. and V. Pres. spoke to…".
Both at same public place at same time. Unheard of.
What was Donna B's two tweets?
Who is in line of succession?
Which "two" would need to be removed to make that happen?
A SOTU address at a 'rally' type venue would not do if this is a trap to catch some fuggery.
A very controlled special location would be needed. A location that would expose such fuggery, that the American people could point the accusing finger and say…"They did this!" One that would "Bring the House down"[FISA…he knows what they are up to…he is "listening"…]….and be "Magical".