Anonymous ID: c088db Jan. 23, 2019, 5:37 p.m. No.4880995   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4880606 lb

That's a lot of "I" for a servant.

The thing about desperate people in over their head is that they will grasp on to any floating trash to spare them from the fear of death.

The path to salvation is not found by clinging to something else. It is found by looking.


If you want to be food for a parasite, then by all means, continue clinging desperately to an institutional dogma which serves only the growth of the organism. When a creature dies, the brain releases a massive surge of endorphins to, effectively, send it off in bliss. That is a perfect metaphor for the heaven you are advertising, on a spiritual level, as well.


The heaven I am seeking is somewhat different from an orgiastic feeding frenzy for a lesser being.



She caught a lot of shit for voting for a bill because it contained funding for ICE. Now she catches a lot of shit for breaking from the party because her constituents didn't want ICE funding.

None of these bills are going anywhere… So the votes are purely symbolic.


ICE is a more nuanced subject than it appears. We label it broadly as the good guys… But there were a lot of Obama years to put in key people to … Make it not as good as we think it is.

It's amusing to me that so many around here find it difficult to believe someone(s) running on a democrat ticket could be either part of the plan, or a third party who ends up working with the plan.