Anonymous ID: 1c8277 Jan. 23, 2019, 7:32 p.m. No.4882473   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4882452 Dude lighten up, they have been drinking flouride like many here all their lives, brainwashed by news and endocterine of their social cirlces, MK all the way

Anonymous ID: 1c8277 Jan. 23, 2019, 7:39 p.m. No.4882574   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Always take the big hand and start at 12, always then go again. It aint from seconds, nor from hours…take your delta to midnight every single time.

Anonymous ID: 1c8277 Jan. 23, 2019, 8:10 p.m. No.4882964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2979

I am a force to be reckoned with, i reckon, small town, pop 8,000 college town. a year ago Trump hate, small paper I troll on line-theyposted abortion shit…i posted. I hope you evil people rot in hell! The abortion laws wasn't good enough, because Big pharma needs FRESH kill, they want live fetus tissue. Baby Salvage Business is big bucks. They want the stem cells and adrenaline. The more pain and fear the baby is in, the stronger the adrenaline. That's why NY wants full term babies, because they can feel more pain with more development of their tiny bodies, and can produce more adrenaline. And they even went so far as to pass a law that takes away a "survivors" right to live-in case the child 'accidentally' survive the abortion. They like to poke em in the heart with a needle. Sometimes they miss (See the baby has to be killed in the womb-otherwise it is called born. Like wall and barrier Libs have a way with words to make it all sound so much better). So heart missed-perhaps on purpose, so the baby can come out screaming, before they either crush the head or sever the spinal cord. Shorter term babies get saline, to burn and suffocate them inside and out, then chopped up to pieces and sucked out. Google it-there are actual people who have survived this sick torture and lived to tell about. This is the sickest our country has ever been. You'll go to the mat to save a friggin dog or cat, rescue animals, but turn a blind eye to the Big Corporations making big bucks off of killing and harvesting our population. Now ask yourself why they want immigrants…not a lot of friggin fruit to pick around here! because our population has been reported as low. they need fresh meat, not only for low slave wage/labor, but also for the harvest.All quiet. then next post was nancy…that town hates that bitch! Red Pill8 grand, aint life grand