Ty baker!
>>4884405 lb
Well said, agreed.
And thanks for this:
>>4884456 lb
>>4884529 lb
>have you ever worked in the finance industry?
>No, but was executive in biotech/Pharma and worked with a lot of them re: investing
>then you must know that it is an impervious wall if you are not in the club.
Oh yeah, f'sho. It's also a club of mostly J_ws which extends to the CEO's and CFO's of all the tech/pharma co.'s It was my mentor CEO that redpilled me on that. This is how they work out Big Short games on everything – their guys control the money, info, and decisions on the outside and the inside of every transaction.
>>4884364 lb
>all aspects of finance top to bottom it's the worst area of control. but you already know that I'm sure.
Yup, and all extending/connecting arms too (as per above).
not taking your meaning here
>with a big smile for all but knowing these people were going to get screwed no matter what.
Yeah they're a special brand of sociopath.
>That is what drove me from it.
Good. I'm ex- pharma m'self.
>Set up my own trading business for me and no one else.
Pulling for ya, anon.
>never buy an equity that has just split. Kiss of death as it's just an accounting trick.
The "tricks" I learned in that time were super redpilling, even the actual above-board rules are smoke and mirrors. Wall Street is just gambling w/a comped house.
>Have huge respect for people who can earn it honestly..just not enough of them at that level.
There is and always was a role for capital investment. They put up the money, risk the money, and share in the profits. It's speculating on ups and downs that's where the evil comes in. There were good guys among the investors I knew too, but they were so jewed by the forces working against them it was an uphill battle. These predators need prey, obvs, need someone to put up the actual investment capital in order to create a big enough insurance stake which to make the short a big enough short to make it worth the game. By the time I left pharma, entire research teams, patent portfolios and multi-story labs would be set up just as a front so investors could be paraded in, buy in, and then the execs would sabotage the whole thing and collect on the short. Then they'd be installed as CEO on the next big scam. Lather, rinse, repeat. Disgusting.
>um, you can come from a good home and still turn into an abusive parent
This is statistically rare. If "good home" is defined in too narrow and shallow a way, maybe. But the odds of someone raised by loving, non-violent, sensible & stable parents achieving the level of dysfunctional empathy needed to parent poorly are very low. Technically, about the same percentage of that are born with a developmental defect inhibiting their empathy/mirror neuron formation. Estimates are 2% of population is born with this type of psychopathy, but even that is largely congenital, so the occurrence in loving households is probably lower.
Yeah no shit. The fuck's wrong with these ppl. ZERO shame. Zilch. Nada.
>You do realize thery're good and bad guys in every agency even FBI and CIA including Mossad
Yes, but not in the same degree or for the same reasons. You're committing a reductio ad absurdum fallacy by simplifying it to this degree.
MOS is not only the top of the pyramid of control,
but a hostile foreign power
>Israeli Intelligence stand down
C_A is the U.S. arm of MOS.
>Splintered into a thousand pieces.
FBI is being cleaned, can be salvaged
>do a few bad apples spoil the barrel?
Jesus. It's a huge ponzi scheme that can't help but collapse.
>Trash for cash..sure you've heard that before.
Yup. The whole thing was so horrifying, once that 2008 bailout happened and the ppl were just like, "oh well, what's on TV?"… I mean, fug, I couldn't believe it. There was no going back to believing there wasn't something terribly wrong with the world after that. F-fwd a few years, and here we are, woke af kek.
>Made a big pile shorting everything I could into the '08 crash
Wish I could say the same, I'm poor af. But that's mostly to do with my family. I was betrayed from within too. Sucks bigly, but what doesn't kill ya… At least I can sleep at night knowing I never sold anyone down the river when I was offered big rewards to do so, and I wouldn't trade it.
>I'm looking forward to the dismantling of this system
You have no idea the scores I look forward to having settled with these evil fucks. God willing I'll get to see it all come down.
>well to be fair the full saying is indeed than a single rotten apple ruins the bunch
True, but anons have speculated that Q might mean the opposite here, and was only applying in that sense. I don't know whether the FBI will be dismantled, but I suspect not. Point was it was ridiculous to compare a foreign, hostile enemy (Mossad) to our own agencies re: corruption. POTUS is clear as can be that he is a nationalist, he puts America first, and Americans first. Let Israel clean up their own agencies, a foreign country has no business controlling our politicians or our media, no matter how many good vs. bad they have in their ranks.
Thank you baker, we're grateful for your service.
>Pelosi is responsible for caving to Hank Paulsen at Treasury for it.
Of course, God I hate that bitch (am from Calif., spent years in SF)
>I broke things in my house when that happened.
If Tesla had built a free energy device that ran on rage, I'd'a been set up for life given how pissed I was in those years. (Still not a paragon of calm tho, kek)
>How long have you been in here if I may ask?
Followed from the beginning as a lurkfag, began posting Feb last yr maybe? But found the alt-right scene pretty much from its inception – 2014ish. I swear to God it kept me sane, brought at least some levity and truth to my life, but I was just a spectator there, didn't have the balls even to go to half much less post. Had been wanting some avenue to contribute after POTUS came to us, then came Q. Besides my job, here's the only place I contribute, but I spend a lot of time here, in different roles. I don't twat, can't afford to risk muh workfag gig, and can no longer think in normie-enough mental pathways to even construct worthwhile twats w/o risking wrongspeak.
How did you come to the movement?
mfw hawt hippo gives me "the look"
>deals should be done based on merit and skill of the individual or group..no matter who they are. If an idea is good it's a good idea.
Agreed, and the only way to do that is to bring back accountability into the system. If you invest in something, the only way to make money on it is if it succeeds. Period. Default swaps (buying insurance that pays if your investment fails? No moral hazard there right?), IPO's based on estimated value (promotes spin and lies rather than real product), all of it is games. No different than the speculation bubble around tulipmania in Holland in the 1600's.
>I'm not an old fart though..born in 69.
Kek. 68.
Yeah, we do have a lot in common.
>I do no social media and never have.
I had to do it when I went back to grad school, hated it. Fucking narcissism central.
Hat tip for being oldfag on half, tho.
>it was a cesspool
Yeah I hang out there occasionally, it's a little too mercenary/chaotic for me. Here has all the brutal realism that make the chans valuable but without the absence-of-concern-for-fellow-man angle