Anonymous ID: 65cc49 Jan. 23, 2019, 10:33 p.m. No.4884590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4606 >>4630 >>4693 >>4738 >>4739 >>4756 >>4759 >>4941 >>5142 >>5230

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has stage 6 dementia, according to medical experts who have studied her recent bizarre public behaviour.


During the sixth stage of dementia, patients need constant supervision and frequently require professional care. Symptoms include:


Confusion or unawareness of environment and surroundings

Major personality changes and potential behavior problems

The need for assistance with activities of daily living such as toileting and bathing

Inability to recognize faces except closest friends and relatives

Inability to remember most details of personal history

Loss of bowel and bladder control


The American Mirror reports: As the House Minority Leader spoke to reporters in Thursday, she repeatedly used the wrong word in sentences, awkwardly correcting herself so she was clear to the journalists.


Speaking about new gun control legislation, she said there is a “commensurate bi-partisan — common sense bi-partisan supp, uh, path forward.”


Moments later, she repeated words and mistakenly said “tax force,” before enunciating “task force.”


Pelosi fell back into previous talking points, nearly saying “comprehensive immigration bill” when talking about gun control.


“So we’re just say to, we’re just saying to the Speaker, ‘Give us a vote, just give us a vote,’” she repeated.


As Pelosi attempted to again slam the popular Trump tax cut, she botched the numbers created by the Democratic Party.


“Once the tax scam is fully phased in, 6 million middle class families — excuse me,” she said, staring at her notes. “86 million middle class families,” she continued as reporters sat in silence.


Moments later she said Republicans are going to take “$500 billion out of Medicare. One-and-a-half — excuse me,” she stopped herself. “Trillion — half a trillion dollars out of Medicare,” she continued, apparently believing $500 billion and half-a-trillion are different numbers.


While talking about transparency in settlements with sex harassment victims, Pelosi said, “I don’t want to herm — harm victims…”


Condemning members of the Trump administration who are leaving, she said, “They’re having served in that White House for one year is a giant enhancement as they go out to the public sector — private sector, the private sector,” she corrected herself.


If Pelosi wants to stay in leadership, she may have a tough road head.


During a recent candidate forum of Democrats vying for an Arizona congressional seat, not a single one raised their hand to indicate support for Pelosi.




Her leadership is on the edge, we can force her mental health into question.

Anonymous ID: 65cc49 Jan. 23, 2019, 10:46 p.m. No.4884707   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Cant really fake it, there is a blood test and other tests such as drawing and memory test.


Drinking a bottle of vodka a day will get you to a similar place!

Anonymous ID: 65cc49 Jan. 23, 2019, 10:51 p.m. No.4884757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4767 >>5084


She is out of the age range for Early Onset alzheimer's, but to me she is showing all the signs of it.


Could be alcohol abuse, could be pill addictions but the slurring of words and her forgetting the names of people during a conversation feels like alzheimer's to me.


Or she's just a dumb power hungry cunt.