Anonymous ID: b148f1 Jan. 23, 2019, 10:38 p.m. No.4884625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5281

>>4884506 lb

deals should be done based on merit and skill of the individual or matter who they are. If an idea is good it's a good idea. In finance that is not always followed. from my experience an idea or product only goes so far when you get into the VC aspect of it. Sometimes it is ignored if the money is fabulous but that is hard to gauge when it's in the initial phase of development regarding seed money.

The club is very exclusive and loyal…to each other. Look at Angelo Mozillo at countryfried. All the money he made the mortgage industry yet he was never in the club.

So there are exceptions here but they happen rarely. Wish it was not this way but it's something I've seen and butted heads against.

Anonymous ID: b148f1 Jan. 23, 2019, 10:57 p.m. No.4884800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4891


>Big Short games on everything

Watching the pins set up in the initial meetings with a big smile for all but knowing these people were going to get screwed no matter what.

That is what drove me from it. Set up my own trading business for me and no one else. Knowing what and how that is done was a big help. don't claim to know it all but what I do know has helped..for example, never buy an equity that has just split. Kiss of death as it's just an accounting trick. Just make it seem moar affordable. Exceptions to this for sure but over the long haul it has proven the wrong thing to do.

Have huge respect for people who can earn it honestly..just not enough of them at that level.

Anonymous ID: b148f1 Jan. 23, 2019, 11:22 p.m. No.4884976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5077


you know the game.

as mentioned I no longer have any skin in this game. Made a big pile shorting everything I could into the '08 crash-which was another snow job as the FED began doing reverse-repo's starting in early september of that year. That forced the banks to come up with cash so they sold assets. The repo process actually started in october of 2002 where the banks could 'exchange' bad assets for cash. Trash for cash..sure you've heard that before. The FRB just used the reverse of that process to force liquidation. It was already going to happen fundamentally speaking but that is what lit the fuse…along with Lehman panicking. All one big set-up.

I'm looking forward to the dismantling of this system

Anonymous ID: b148f1 Jan. 23, 2019, 11:26 p.m. No.4885001   🗄️.is 🔗kun


AMZN was a shit company all the way back in 2006, fundamentally speaking. Bezos working at D.E. Shaw on the quant programs set him up for all of it. When they sucked up Zappos and then used it's financials before the deal closed was a huge tell. That it was allowed is another story.

Anonymous ID: b148f1 Jan. 23, 2019, 11:49 p.m. No.4885135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5162 >>5218


We sound alot alike..

When the Bear Stearns collapse happened I went to bed in Las Vegas up about $40k in put options..feeling good right!

By 6:34am the next morning It was gone and after going to the bar and drinking half a bottle of I don't remember I swore if the opportunity arose to fight these people it would be balls to the wall. The money didn't bother me so much-win some, lose some- as the idea of the system keeping itself together at the expense of normal hard-working honest people did.

Pelosi is responsible for caving to Hank Paulsen at Treasury for it. I broke things in my house when that happened.


How long have you been in here if I may ask?

late may of last year for me.

Anonymous ID: b148f1 Jan. 24, 2019, 12:04 a.m. No.4885204   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I know this all too well. The entire system is built to have this, and only this, be the outcome of the 'process'. The MERS debacle sort of proved that on a large scale. That comment was merely a reaction to a bad situation at the time. I tried to fight that-MERS bifurcating the titles from the mortgages and even had proof from the FRB via an indymac FOIA before they shut that down. Douche bank was the trustee.

had the proof but finding a judgement in my favor was going to be impossible so I stopped. That is just one example of many.

Anonymous ID: b148f1 Jan. 24, 2019, 12:20 a.m. No.4885275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5310


After vegas I went into half and it was a cesspool and I lurked for months-life got in the way but then January of 2018 D5 Hawaii made me devote moar time to lurking and understand all of this. Im an old usenet person so navigation was not a problem and I made first post in late may. Been here ever since.

I do no social media and never have. Worked tech in bay area from 88 to 2000 and then left for socal. Since I was young always had hand in markets-if you want to earn you learn so that's what I did alongside the work. Did a spell with some co's close to sand hill pit of shit and that is where I learned I did not want to do that for very long.

This is what I do now. Wife does heavy lifting as I did it for long time. I'm not an old fart though..born in 69.