Anonymous ID: f16b46 Jan. 23, 2019, 10:27 p.m. No.4884543   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4564 >>4644 >>4689 >>4771

>>4884373 (pb)

Good can exist without evil! Evil cannot exist without good! Re: alcohol vs weed? If there was a button I could push that vaporized all alcohol and replace it with weed…I'd do it in a New York minute…and then watch the crime rate drop like a lead sinker! You're elevation of "perspective" is flawed! Mankind is broken, thus incapable of ruling ourselves! Situational "ethics" is absurd! As we speak pedophilia is being normalized! Pedo's often argue the acceptance /practice of pedophilia in ancient societies…as if THAT makes it ok! If you're wed to situational ethics, I would posit that it's because you harbor perversion! You're looking for an excuse!

Anonymous ID: f16b46 Jan. 23, 2019, 10:51 p.m. No.4884755   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4884644 What's your point? What can you accomplish with your observations? What is the foundational basis of your…"philosophy?" Good can exist without evil, but evil cannot exist without good! Religion (which btw, it appears you have your own) is evil! Money? No! It's "the love" of money that is evil! The evil I seek to destroy are the works of the enemy of our souls…as taught by The Holy Scriptures! Save yourself a lot of time by accepting The Truth! God Is! To wit: If God Is…ALL is on His terms! Whether you like it or not! Want Scientific proof? Check out Dr. Ivan Panin and his research! Cannot be refuted! Or…you can continue to be impressed with yourself! Wise up! ALL of it can be boiled down to making a choice between life and death…blessing or cursing! Choose wisely!

Anonymous ID: f16b46 Jan. 23, 2019, 11:08 p.m. No.4884876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4897


I'm not speaking with malice when I point out that you're lost in your own comfy narrative! You're making assumptions that are too shallow! Nature does NOT require evil! Nature can, and did, exist just fine without evil! Sounds like you're into the Gaia religion! And how the hell would you know anything about "transmuting impressions" to "starry" worlds? You don't know it…but you're without moorings and anchor! You, me…all of us need a standard that transcends human intellect! We are NOT capable of saving ourselves! Unfortunately, I know I can't move you away from romancing yourself…only God can do that!