The Death of General George Patton
Bert Roosen was a 17 year old German who was working as an interpreter for General Eisenhower during the American occupation claimed:
I lived with this all my life…I could see them (Eisenhower and Patton) arguing. They were on the platform in heated debate." After the argument Eisenhower entered the train car…Eisenhower said, "That guy is going to screw things up…We've got to stop him."
Did you know that Eisenhower did not attend the funeral of his most revered General?
Did you know the car that Patton was in during the fateful accident sits in a museum and is fake?
Did you know Patton was the only one in the car crash that was badly hurt?
Medical records show Patton was given digitalis by doctors to mimic failing health & failing heart when he refused to die and was recuperating.
Did you know Patton did not receive an autopsy?
There's little doubt The General was assassinated. There are numerous plots and many books written about it. None seem to cover any truth.
One rumor Anon has attempted to shed light on is Gen. George Marshall of the Marshall Plan was ordered by Eisenhower to take the Generals life. Moar digs welcomed. , of many