Let's play a game of what if…
We know RBG will be replaced soon. We know the most likely candidate is ACB.
Q has asked: What other tactics might be planned to block and/or force name removal? (2671)
In the case of ACB, she's catholic. Many have already realized that the Covington incident was about provoking some white catholic kids in MAGA hats to react badly (lash out, hit someone, give nasty remarks, whatever) to put bad light on Trump supporting catholics prior to an ACB nomination.
Hold this thought.
We know the media, enemy of the people, will spin anything they possibly can to make Trump, and any Trump supporter look bad. It's a given, it's predictable.
I see people all the time say, "Trump, do something about the fake news!!!"
While he calls them out constantly, he can't really "go after them" with the power of the federal government unless they literally break a law. Generally speaking, they don't. Not in any meaningful way, and not all the MSM networks across the board, all at once. It has to be all at once or the game would be up and the others would simply circle the wagons to protect themselves.
There's not much he can publicly do without breaking the law himself.
Q has said: Libel laws. End of MSM. (818)
Trump is a 10 steps ahead, Sun Tzu, Art of War kinda guy though.
Q has said: “Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself.” (1794)
Take a step further and consider this: How do I convince an enemy to destroy themselves voluntarily, therefore eliminating my need to take drastic measures that may impact myself negatively?
Give the enemy something they cannot resist; dud ammunition - "fake" fake news.
Back to the Covington kids.
These kids were like a BIG RED FLAG to a bull. They met every single checkbox to be targeted.
MAGA hats
Private school
Young men that might be provoked to lash out easily
If you know what will be used to attack ACB, how do you counter it?
Q answered the question "How do you know the future?" with: Control (2606)
How do you stop an attack? Control the battlefield.
If Trump (admin) asked you and your family to simply be at a certain place at a certain time, then stand with a big target on your head to draw out people you know will try to provoke you, could you do it?
If you were promised to be protected, would you do it?
If the entire plan hinged on you not striking back, so that when the media takes the bait, you can counter-attack with a strike to almost all of MSM in a class action lawsuit, would you take the risk?
Control of when….and how the media starts going down.
Control of public perception of the media and their opinions prior to ACB nomination
Control of public perception of the media during shutdown.
There's a lot of winning here….
Kudos to the kids for not striking back, no matter how it went.