Then it walks right back in
Here is mogen David telling (you) about life choices and feelz right now
Then mogen David tells (you) to
Get help and friends
And then they take (you) out
And get (you) drunk
And spend (you)r money for (you)
We can spend (you)r money for (you) they said
Oh gosh it's so long
Then the cocaine showed up and the paycheck was gone
So then it's a new day with sour grapes
Daniel is not my friend
And the (you) start questioning (you)r homo one day
And the (you) find the homo over and over
(You) never forgave orange jubilee for that night but keep drinking it
But your new lesbo friends get better cocaine from that black tranny anyways
Then one night the lesbians and the black tranny get ya doped up
And make homo pr0n
Then blame aliens
Empty and betrayed (you) go back to grad school and take out more student loans for a fake and gay economy anyways
Then the lsd mixed in an the real homo juice flowed out
In india (you) can feel guilty to
Over 3000 gods made by the cia btw
From the native Americans that were buried alive in haystack uranium mine
Book of self help as translated by TAvistock for FEtards 4.88e6
Maybe daniel sold the romans to the zealots