We all have shit 2 do, weird schedule affords me this time. I see the sun set and i see the sun rise. I keep watch for the tribe. Others cover us when we are sleeping. I deal cards and i have another job. We are all tired here i am sure. We will all miss this struggle when it is over. Im sure i will sleep moar tho.
Funny, me and the good russian doctor both determined one of the possible outcomes to make everything alright was thermonuclear war. Im praying for the other alternatives. White magic only
Shitload of Mass staties are in deep shit over doubling down on their overtime.
Crooked as fuck
Dun work.
Stage set- y
Lights on- y
Cameras ready- ?
Action- ?
The frogs are a simmering but not a’ boilin yet.
I have had some anti trumpers start the bullying on facefuck so things are heating up but let’s wait, we haven’t seen anything yet as far as the fireworks to come.
Fireworks at a cat show. Yar!
Under duress the wrong choice will be made 85% of the time.
Um, you just described half of the 250 emails i get per day.
Usually it is apple or paypal or ….
Just delete.
I find your lack of faith disturbing….
NFW anyone marries a drag queen on purpose. If the equipment doesn’t check out after im sure it would fly like a lead turkey. O’Bummer on the other hand was into cock. That may have confused you,
Sixty six- pick up sticks!
Let’s hope a pleasant surprise awaits us when we wake up at 3pm all normal like.
Makes it easier to just skip over.
We will fight, fight, fight!
All the way!
Bless the anons
And God Bless Toots, lil’ fighter
Got you confused enough- working a-ok