Anonymous ID: 0f7565 Feb. 7, 2019, 6:12 p.m. No.5073060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6875





Not off topic. I'll have to write a book to do the topic justice but here is a primer.


I'm only talking about electronic-spiritual TI here - though rules of synchronicity seem to cause the outward to change as well as the inner after just a short time.


Aggression and revenge are just as low vibrations as fear. Don't feed yourself and those around you that kind of diet.


When you notice you're being influenced, take a deep breath and smile, knowing that you're important enough to mess with. Close your eyes and 'look' for light beams of various colors leaving your body. Human technology, reverse engineering from 'others', is very poor for this kind of stuff - thick lines, blurry light, attached to big important junctions like large veins, groin, eye sockets. So those are what you'll look for first.


Don't worry if the direction is up, satellites are up. Don't worry if the direction is down, bunkers are down.


Just jump off and let your awareness flow back down that line. Two experiences I've had led to a data center and a governmental facility with lots of floors, respectively. Just be flexible with what you are presented with.


You'll find that you're in a glass clean room, is some kind, with lots of people inside surrounded by mean looking guards, outside the room with guns. I think the minimum number of humans needed to monitor and influence would have to be seven unless their tactics have changed in the last 6 months. You've got one person who is the controller, and you've got 6 or more clerks (an even number), with paper and pen doing checks on each other and on the controller, plus a technician or two keeping the socket open.


When you arrive, their procedures seem to forbid then from responding except if you attack them. If you do, the guards will come storming in and you'll find you have fallen asleep. That's why I responded to these posts, attacks, physical or psychological, will only result in more heartbreak and tragedy. Remember the Legend of Earthsea by LeGuinn how ultimately Ged's shadow was as powerful as Ged, the most powerful wizard of Earthsea?


Your best response is to walk the room slowly and carefully, recording faces, what is written on papers, what time is on any watches, and what is being displayed on the screens of the technicians. Once you've connected everything you can, remember any scrap of religion you've been taught from whatever tradition you're familiar with, and walk up to the controller, and bless him or her in accordance with the highest of your tradition. At the end of the blessing shake his or her hand and imagine a Midas touch 'effect' rubbing off of you onto the controller such that your blessing is relayed to everyone they interact with. Do that once or twice and see what happens.


The alien tech that this stuff was stolen from is actually amazing. The lines are crisp and clear and very small, like it might take days to locate. The alien minds on the other end will respond to blessings from any tradition you actually believe in but their reactions won't be as self-protective as the humans are. Also some alien minds are more powerful and can establish and maintain a session with just one example.


If your experience is like mine, once you've handled one or two human connections, they'll 'hire' out for alien support on a contract basis.


We're all a little crazy on Earth, don't worry if you're targeted. The key is not attacking back. And I'm not controlled opposition (that I'm aware of), I'm just sharing an experience that might help.


If this is all a reflection of your mind, being kind to that reflection will help you deal with yourself from a position of control. If this is an actual attack from some quasi-governmental entity, you'll find that the Midas touch blessing is really helpful because they have to burn a lot of false identities. And they have a very good probability of being influenced by your blessing and accidentally infecting others with your blessing.


Yes, it's true they have clean room disinfecting techniques but kindness and generosity is one thing that strangely enough can't get filtered out unless you're just being kind because an anon on the chan said too. So again, you've got to believe you're doing the right thing for the right reason, but if you do, it's like magic.