Anonymous ID: 5b4ea2 Jan. 24, 2019, 9:43 p.m. No.4896822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6857 >>2842 >>1554


I believe perhaps the file you speak of is likely the Alien Races Book; reportedly a compilation from some Russian documents which notate at least 50+ species which have visited or continue to visit Earth as well as some bits about related historical artifacts or events which would seek to explain the long history of relationships between Alien-Humankind.

Some pics from some pages and a copy of the PDF attached, though the PDF can also be found with a quick search for "Alien Race Book" by Dante Santori or the link:




Here's a (you) as well, since you were also interested in the info. I still look over it occasionally, as it holds a wealth of knowledge and a lot of jumping points for deeper digs.

Anonymous ID: 5b4ea2 Jan. 25, 2019, 3:31 p.m. No.4908122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8253 >>4502 >>0701 >>2862 >>1554 >>5584


Indeed. Seems to be quite a few correlations between Q and the information provided, and this PDF was released many years before Q came on the scene..

>Those you trust most (religious leaders/rulers)

>They want you divided (Male/female -a large focus on this at the end)

..and other bits that seemed to me to align with Q's message.


Taking for example,

>There is more good than bad.

I did a run through last night of the races listed, and counted which of those were/are most likely good-bad-neutral-unknown in relation to humanity (though, I didn't remove those who are reportedly no longer visiting)

Of the 58 races noted in the alien race book-

~20 had seemingly Good intentions (includes the C-5/Council of 5 members)

~16 had seemingly Bad intentions (8 races specifically reported to abduct humans)

~12 were more or less Neutral

~9 had no clues as to intentions or purposes for visits


Though in the larger scheme, many more kinds out there that some species know of, such as picrelated, which created this Council of 5 (previously Council of 9/ Group of 9) apparently work to protect and enrich ~2500 species amongst 5 universes, which would definitely seem to indicate that the vast majority are good or positive beings working toward positive spiritual goals.


But just as down here on the earth-level, there is still what we'd call evil present in some races above.. and while focusing on the good may be a noble intention- the whole purpose of Q in the first place is to Expose the evil to the forces of good and light, and increase awareness of the dastardly deeds that have been done so that we are able to effectively remove and defeat those evils, so that we may learn and grow toward a Just place amongst the stars.


Focusing on their space ships, in a way, is about as useful as being able to tell the difference between a passenger car and a semi truck coming toward you on the highway when you should be trying to figure out if their intention is to pass you or push you off the road…

Anonymous ID: 5b4ea2 Jan. 29, 2019, 5:27 p.m. No.4957858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7958 >>8784 >>3499 >>3780 >>2862 >>2724 >>7391 >>1554 >>1940 >>6183


>Any of the in depth almond activating digs are being ignored, Q posts are being ignored

An unfortunate truth. Last bread, for example, I'd re-posted from one of the general breads a very fascinating, though subtle, connection that Q has repeatedly posted, hoping it would inspire some digs in that direction.. maybe it did, for some.


Q has posted the "This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected" speech a total of 16 times currently, but a week or two ago an anon dug and found the soundtrack that underlies the entire video, since Q also repeatedly mentions to Listen Carefully.

Picrelated, a compilation of all 16 crumbs mentioning the Video.

>This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected


>Instrumental Core - Hybridization Of Humanity



Well, the soundtrack is titled Hybridization of Humanity.

What would such a title seem to suggest? That Humanity has been Hybridized with some sort of outside force.

Likely? Possible?

Good, Evil, or perhaps even Both?

How prevalent would alien-humankind hybridization even be? How long?

Perhaps they're already closer than /we/ tend to think (especially if the overarching push is that they are further away, in their flying spacecars, instead of also being Here already.)



Tripcodes have been disabled for the /QResearch/ board (except, of course, for specific whitelisted trips such as Q's and 8Bit's) after fuckery with the previous boards. Besides, it wouldn't solve the issue of certain attempts Constantly and Excessively pushing that singular trype of programming, even if they were available as a method

Anonymous ID: 5b4ea2 Feb. 8, 2019, 5:52 a.m. No.5078057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8074 >>1554


a response to you, as it sparked this dig for me.. mostly the mix of Pleiadian response as well as the bit about channeling and it’s likely pitfalls

[Part 1/3]

On the Tunguska Explosion, and the Pleyadian craft that crashed there, as correlated through multiple sources

Including witness accounts, notes from Dante’s races book, and channelings from both Billy Meier and the Law of One

Jun 30, 2019 will be the 111th anniversary of the Tunguska Explosion, and as such it would serve to have a clearer idea of what had actually transpired that day. A litany of sources and evidence serve to paint a picture that it was likely that an ET craft which had perished that day.


Eyewitness Testimony

>Kezhma, Siberia. (About 125 miles from Tunguska.) A 'brilliant white elongated mass' [a common description of a Pleadian ‘beamship’] followed by a broad white band was seen to cross the Sun and become broader until it was much larger than the Moon.

>A. K. Kokorin, the observer at the Kezhma meteorological station, recorded the appearance of two huge fiery circles in the north at 7 a.m., followed four minutes later by a wind, then a battery of sounds like gunshots and cannon fire…


This is the account of G. K. Kulesh, who was an observer at a weather station in Kirensk, about 460 kilometres from the site of the Tunguska explosion:

>…observed to the northwest of Kirensk that lasted roughly from 7.15 to 8 am. I did not see it myself, as I sat down to work after recording the reading of the meteorological instruments. This is what occurred (I give the gist of what those who witnessed it said).

>At 7.15 am, a fiery pillar appeared to the northwest, about four sagens [over 8 metres] in diameter in the shape of a spear. When the pillar disappeared, five strong brief bangs were heard, like cannon shots following quickly and distinctly one after another. Then a dense cloud appeared at that place.


>Nizhne-Karelinsk, Siberia.1908 July 2 (About 200 miles from Tunguska). On this date, a -correspondent for the Kirensk or Irkutsk newspaper Sibir reported that, a few days earlier, a brilliant cylindrical body, shining with a dazzling bluish-white light, had been seen in the cloudless sky to the north-west. It moved vertically downwards for about 10 minutes. When the body neared the horizon 'it seemed to be pulverised', A huge cloud of black smoke was formed, with a crash like thunder.


As well as multiple other witness testimonies which cite other objects from surrounding areas all traveling in a direction toward the epicenter which have been correlated in the link below and shown in the map attached (as well as additional reports)




Anonymous ID: 5b4ea2 Feb. 8, 2019, 5:54 a.m. No.5078074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8097 >>9329 >>5119 >>1554


[Part 2/3]

Channeled Works

Billy Meier’s contact with “ASKET”

(from Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte [2002], Block 1 page 311- And "gaiaguys" unofficial English translation follows:)

>87.This actually also soon happened according to the decree of this regulation, when a huge space ship still in the terrestrial area was not able to free itself anymore from earth, where it had lain hidden during several months, with severe technical damage, in the country which is called Russia.  88.  The ship was able to lift itself up for only a few hundred meters of high preparatory work and then dropped down more closely.  89.  In accordance with the regulation that no spaceships, etc. were allowed to approach the earth more closely, each outside assistance was also impossible.  90.  Other races from the universe stationed on the earth were, on the other hand, forbidden to bring the damaged ship assistance because among the crew a terrestrial epidemic had broken out, which was very dangerous for this form of life.  91.  In the knowledge that no more assistance awaited them, they designed an enormous bomb from the foundation-stones of life, which are called atoms, forced the ship as far as possible into the sky up and let it then simply fall down.  92.  Like an enormous comet it fell towards the earth, and before it could strike the earth, at a few hundred meters height the atomic bomb was ignited.



Law of One question

17.3 ▶ Questioner: In meditation a few nights ago I had the impression of a question about a crater in Russia. I believe it was in Tunguska. Can you tell me what caused the crater?

Ra: I am Ra. The destruction of a fission reactor caused this crater.


Dante’s Alien Races Book Report on Tunguska

A few pages were devoted to an account of the events and alliances that transpired during the lead-up to the event.


>Here’s the version of events that lead to the explosion…as told by a member of the TENGRI-TENGRI:

>”For 5 days and 4 nights, near what you call Tunguska, the MAITRE had been fighting the DORSAY.

>Other races were starting to choose “sides” and were going to get involved.

>Even the “Council of 5” was worried with the escalation and seriousness of the event…


>On the day of that great explosion an EL-MANOUK ship came to earth in order to try ending the conflict… the EL-MANOUK are respected wherever we may go…they are wise and impartial. With them came a PLEYADIYAN ship…one of their biggest.


>The Maitre were warned by the Reptilians of the coming presence of the El-Manouk and the Pleyadiyans…Earlier that day the Maitre had just shot down the last of the Dorsay ships…


>When the Pleyadiyans entered Earth’s atmosphere they were attacked by 3 Maitre ships and destroyed.

>One El-Manouk ship was also destroyed in space that day… And that is what happened in Tunguska.”


> Also according to the Tengri-Tengri:

>”The Pleyadiyan ship that was destroyed that day near Tunguska was not supposed to come to Earth that day…they were going to a different destination, carrying the things they do…their Holy Rocks and other materials…the El-Manouk asked them to help them in solving the conflict…and they paid the price with the ending of this life of theirs…”

Anonymous ID: 5b4ea2 Feb. 8, 2019, 5:57 a.m. No.5078097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1554


[Part 3/3]

Some Conclusions

While I had included the Meier channeling as an interesting account mainly for implying a pleadian ship, the eye witness testimonies do not support the notion that a ship had taken off first before falling to Earth. Billy’s message also conflicts with reports of multiple other objects seen in the sky that day (since his report suggests any other crafts would have been forbidden to respond).


As for the account that Dante’s book reports, the multiple races involved would be more likely to account for the variety of objects that witnesses mention. The book also shows a small grainy picture of some fragments with geometric patterns inscribed which were found nearby-

Quite difficult to find sources for that claim online (most had become 404’d and in spotty english if at all), but a few correlate the find of those fragments here:

>The scientists claim that they found remains of an extraterrestrial technical device that allegedly had an accident in Siberia in 1908. They also say that they found the so called “deer stone” - an artifact repeatedly mentioned in the reports of the eyewitnesses of the Tunguska phenomenon. A part of the “deer stone” has been delivered to Krasnoyarsk for research.

<Google translate chinese

>Russian scientists found “iron silicide” in the Tunguska region…

>In his research report, Ruffin said that these "solicides" are undoubtedly fragments of alien flying saucers. On these cobblestone-like "iron silicide", there is also a neat pattern that looks like a hieroglyph. Lafbin believes that these patterns cannot be formed naturally, but rather "manual" products. However, in experiments by scientists such as Ruffin, even the most powerful laser instruments can only leave a slight trace on the "iron silicide".


As well, reports from the first expeditions (19 years afterwards, in 1927) of members becoming sick and dying early would also seem to suggest radiation poisoning from the blast was still prevalent in the area at the time.

Anonymous ID: 5b4ea2 Feb. 10, 2019, 12:35 p.m. No.5109382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9528 >>6817 >>5871 >>8936


Do you think Adrenochrome is just for the HUMAN ELITE?

Do you think it's a coincidence that grierfag and his pederasta connections 'floods it's happy happy joy joy narratives here as >>5108347 points out?

Now that they've abducted plenty of fetuses etc, have abductions in that case mostly stopped? Did they get the supplies they needed to become self-sufficient and maybe set up their own farms?

Anonymous ID: 5b4ea2 Feb. 10, 2019, 12:51 p.m. No.5109528   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Occasionally make the point of this when it arises in the main breads, but since it came up here as well-

>WW lanes shut down.

>Bottom to TOP.

>[HAITI]. Bottom






>Highest classification.

Anonymous ID: 5b4ea2 Feb. 10, 2019, 11:29 p.m. No.5119187   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0791 >>1563


>when propagating fake stories about "aliens" (Extraterrestrials) harvesting adrenochrome?

Here's a rather prominent source - The Interview of Shaman Credo Mutwa (with David Icke) which lays out the basics of what he KNOWS and has Experienced. I've put together a transcript graphic (pic1 related) which goes over the most salient points which could easily be conferred as adrenochrome harvesting (as the actual interview is over 6 hours in length). My original post was mostly along the lines of bringing up questions wondering just how much further they could have taken such things beyond single victims- as Icke otherwise also brings up in other cases that Draco use human blood or essences to shapeshift into human forms (and no, i'm not gonna go do a CE-5 with a lizard to ask them how much adrenochrome they farm- but you're more than welcome to be my guest, considering how much experience you appear to have in that regard)


>Then she is laid on an altar, usually a rough rock, flat on top. Then, she is cruelly sacrificed, sir, and her blood is drunk by the sick Chitauli, which then recovers. But, the girl must not be sacrificed until she is very, very, very frightened, because if she is not frightened, it is said that her blood will not save the sick Chitauli. It must be the blood of a very frightened human being, indeed.

If you haven't watched the interview, the name Chitauli is synonymous with what most consider to be Reptilian.



> These creatures then took away the great powers that human beings had:

> + the power of speaking through the mind only

> + the power of moving objects with their mind only

> + the power of seeing into the future and into their past

> + the power to travel, spiritually, to different worlds

>All of these great powers the Chitauli took away from human beings and they gave human beings a new power, now, the power of speech.

>But, human beings found, to their horror, that the power of speech divided human beings, instead of uniting them, because the Chitauli cunningly created different languages, and they caused a great quarrel between people.

> Also, the Chitauli did something which has never been done before: they gave human beings people to rule over them, and they said,


> "These are your kings, these are your chiefs. They have our blood in them. They are our children, and you must listen to these people because they will speak on our behalf. If you don’t, we are going punish you very terribly."


>Before the coming of the Chitauli, before the coming of the Imbulu creatures, human beings were spiritually one.

>But when the Chitauli came, human beings became divided, both spiritually as well as by language.


It was They who divided US (and continue to do so in ever more cunning ways up to today)


Entire interview transcript found here:


and multiple copies of the video transcript are on youtube.


>Why do they intentionally misspell "greer"

Yeah, my mistake there. Wouldn't want to misattribute someone as close to the cabal as Greer is… so here's an archive of Greer's tweets about Podesta:



Podesta, who was Counselor to President Obama until about a month before Obama went on Kimmel to "Deny" knowledge of aliens by saying rather succinctly while laughing it off-

>The aliens won't let it happen - We'd reveal all their secrets, and they exercise Strict control over us.

Perhaps it wasn't the kind of disclosure Pedosta had in mind…


as well as an archive of a Greer blogpost (which was tweeted out, above) about how much he enjoys Pederasta's support.


Granted, he's not said anything about pedosta since pedo/pizzagate came about, but has anyone else in those circles bothered denouncing such connections since then, or bothered to distance themselves?



The above bit from Credo (about rulers, etc) would also happen to apply to your post… as it was not just kings who would be controlled, but also- the "holy" ones, leaders of the spirit as well as those of the flesh/physical.


And yes, we can only continue to grow together upon the bits of knowledge we can share (be it to expose the evil for what it truly is in order to conquer it, or to unite in the good and reclaim that which we've lost over time which we've a right as human be-ings to experience freely in order to love truly deeper.)

Anonymous ID: 5b4ea2 Feb. 12, 2019, 10:03 a.m. No.5142778   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Besides the spiritual aspect, perhaps there are specific protein chains or somesuch in the blood which they need as well for whatever purposes? It's almost like how humans only recently (in 1988) discovered that the endocannibinoid system existed and happened to be the most abundant receptor type in the brain. folding@home project (like the seti@home and other distributed computing projects) to today still works on discovering new folded protein types…

Children obviously would be way less prone to having any of those sort of things corrupted by the any number of poisons or garbage we get doses of every day.

Anonymous ID: 5b4ea2 Feb. 12, 2019, 9:52 p.m. No.5152175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6898 >>5475


Oh. he's a reptile. well that explains a lot.


Some videos of the lizard tongue coming out under pressure..

(second video is also a fantastic dialogue between greer and Project Camelot which goes over a lot of the points that get brought up again here time after time (good only et VS cosmic service to self/service to others view)


Fascinating. Once you see it; you can't unsee it..

Anonymous ID: 5b4ea2 Feb. 19, 2019, 2:49 a.m. No.5261563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1641 >>9329


>Because in a world of Full Disclosure all is known. There are no secrets.

in essence… yes.

However, I refer back to a previous post >>5119187 I provided.



> These creatures[Chtauli/Reptilian/Vlash] then took away the great powers that human beings had:

> + the power of speaking through the mind only

> + the power of moving objects with their mind only

> + the power of seeing into the future and into their past

> + the power to travel, spiritually, to different worlds

>All of these great powers the Chitauli took away from human beings and they gave human beings a new power, now, the power of speech.

>Before the coming of the Chitauli, before the coming of the Imbulu creatures, human beings were spiritually one.

>But when the Chitauli came, human beings became divided, both spiritually as well as by language.


This is The Problem. Why benevolent/ally-races such as arcturian/sirian/etc… Incarnates (and those who did not incarnate, but have been here assisting physically) decided/Chose to come here in the first place.. to SOLVE this problem, and return/allow Humans to the ultimately benevolent/spirit-u-all path that was the original teaching plan of the Most High. Without that interference, Humanity would have continued on an [admittedly much, MUCH longer in the timey-sense] evolutionary path to find it's place naturally.. The ability of no secrets is one that was removed from us- a veil imposed against the will- for ulterior motive LONG AG~~E~~O..


THIS PROBLEM- One that we have all been brought here to this forum, at this point in time, together to provide guidance and unique opinions/or/research and viewpoints and solutions to along the process.


It is a dualistic experience in it's basis- there is a GOOD [service to other] and an EVIL [service to self] on the whole.. Coagulating the GOOD to Expose the EVIL in the LIGHT.. but as Sun Tzu says,

>“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”


Both sides [above] are Here, and have been here- since the beginning.. Unfortunately, humans do end up doing both sides of the battle (mostly) on the earthen ground level… Some incarnate though, came to FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT to get humanity back to the path, and some came to provide a Light to the lost to find their way back once the fighting bits are finished.. some even provided the knowledge to humans long ago of how to create weapons of battle to be ABLE to defend from the prevalent threat .It's only escalated since then… Perhaps that is a bit of a hangup in terms of communication on this thread, but the FIGHT must occur first and the WAR must be won before that point of shepherding the oversoul of human back to the path…..



also, sidenote.. the missions here generally consist of groups of 72 :) …at least on the human side.. from what i've come to learn.

Anonymous ID: 5b4ea2 Feb. 19, 2019, 3:33 a.m. No.5261829   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes, and I also spoke of the dualistic nature which is prevalent Here, where you are NOW… since the UNITY aspects were invaded so profusely long ago by some who'd rather eat your children than co-create with them. wake up and smell some of that bitter-sweet earth coffee :)

Anonymous ID: 5b4ea2 Feb. 19, 2019, 1:02 p.m. No.5269329   🗄️.is 🔗kun



<Qpost from today


Hybridization of Humanity video [18th Repost]

>“Trillions of dollars at stake.”

>"Controlled by group of special interests."

>"Illusion of democracy."


>[Welcome to the Real World]








Such beautiful synchronicities to wake up to!

Anonymous ID: 5b4ea2 Feb. 19, 2019, 7:03 p.m. No.5276103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6400 >>0347 >>5626


>INSIDER (underground ) vs Outsider (space)?

An interesting perspective- thanks for pointing it out. Hadn't thought much of Reagan being an Outsider in the sense, but had considered that Kennedy was of the "Outsider" (positive ET) team before. Perhaps his death was just another show at the time… as the world turns…

>Replicate: Environment ('Green')

also seems to be a nod against the underground [insider] reptilian.


>Discretion must be applied when dealing w/ matters of NAT SEC / sensitive ongoing investigations.

>Info released to date was necessary in order to refute the FAKE NEWS narrative and provide the public w/ a taste of the TRUTH (i.e. future events).




>There is EVIL in this world.

EVIL IN[side] this world

>There is DARKNESS in this world.

>There are those in POWER who wish to CONTROL (enslave) you.

>To keep you sedated.

>To keep you unaware.

>To keep you blind.



>To keep you blind.

to the idea that SOME have been HERE the whole time.


Anonymous ID: 5b4ea2 Feb. 20, 2019, 3:40 p.m. No.5291511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0410 >>1554


I don't know who Jason is, or why you'd so brazenly attempt to call me out as a Cabal type without bothering to explain how or why I am a 'cabal type'… And then claiming I want to control or dominate Earth- which I have absolutely no intention or desire to do. Heck, when this Q thing is all over my biggest dream would be to own or be a part of spacecraft expedition to explore the multiverse and meet many beneficial ETs or see the wonders of the galaxy first-hand if it somehow becomes possible in this incarnation.. And failing that, I'd assist to find and implement solutions to heal this wondrous blue-green speck, which I call home- not just another "This planet", of the ravages that the actual cabal has wrought through the ages.


But until then I will continue to seek out knowledge and extrapolate wisdom, and try to share what I have come to understand from such research in order to open more eyes and minds to those forces who seek to control and enslave.


Now, with that said, I had originally translated my slight frustration with your ludicrous and unfounded accusation into creating a graphic (I enjoy creating memes- it amounts to a large portion of my time and attention in relation to the entire Q phenomenon, in multiple facets) which attempts to show just how prevalent reptilian-humanoid hybrids have been in just about EVERY human culture dating back to antiquity. Perhaps, as a supposed newcomer to Earth, you may enjoy digging into some of the deeper stories and understandings that those cultures have endured throughout Earth's history.. plenty of references to serpents/dragons either being Kings or gods, or being cast out and struck down by winged beings..

The one that interested me most immediately when compiling this graphic was the tales in southeast asia/india of the rivalry between the Naga (serpent) and the Garuda (winged-demigod)… and how similar the head-ware of the Garuda was to that of the Sumerian depictions.


Anonymous ID: 5b4ea2 Feb. 27, 2019, 9:46 p.m. No.5429185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9278

Here's a question that I've recently asked myself… Why did those in charge recently and suddenly attempt to change the term from


Unidentified Flying Object = Some object that flies which has not or could not be identified. rather simple definition


Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon = Some phenominal effect in the air which has not or could not be identified.

Were those who previously held power, such as Hillary Clinton (who went full force with this "new term" on the Kimmel show during the election) or Greer (who also has switched to this new term as far as I'm aware) clued in to the notion that going forward, these craft would be doing a lot more than simply flying around, and were trying to get ahead of the narrative by giving it a new term?


Well, What else would they be doing?

Perhaps, they were aware that the period in time that was coming up (and here now) would have included much more conflict between opposing forces (whose who are here to protect and guide, vs those who are here to control and enslave).

>What you SEE is 2%.

>The WAR is REAL.

>What you SEE is LIMITED.


A Glaring historical example would show that such events have clearly happened before- in this depiction of the battle above Nuremberg in 1582. Besides that- it is also rather common to find reports of ships/UFOs/phenomenon happening IN THE MIDST of all major conflicts (an anon's report from the time of Hussein's Reign was posted in meta thread today- >>5417475 here for whatever reason, kek)


But what about more recent examples? I've snapped a few clips from youtube/other sources which may begin to shed light on the sort of recent "Phenomena" that may be expected as this wild crossroads in time continues onward.

>The time is now.

>Contact window(s) [GOOD]



In Cooper's Behold a Pale Horse (pg 212-213), Cooper mentions that some Gov officials were shown holograms of the time of Christ, and speculated as to whether Extra-terrestrial forces were involved. It's my personal understanding that they were (though that's probably a topic for some other time). It is also a personal understanding that these religions/control structures are bound to change every 2,000 years. Before the Fish (Mitre/popehat/Christ SYMBOL) was that of that Ram, which was preceded by that of the BULL (Moloch).. In other words, it is time that the structure be re-vamped.. Of course, this will also cause other upheaval between the forces in the heavens (stars above vs the ground below) in the battle to either free humanity toward it's rightful place in the stars or reset the cycles of control which have been in place..

Anonymous ID: 5b4ea2 Feb. 27, 2019, 10:03 p.m. No.5429372   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yep, that's why you posted right after me with the same shiz you've posted about with your last 131 replies.. makes sense.


Hey, why not ever ask your ET buddies about the reptilian species in HONESTY? Would they give you an answer? Have they ever actually stopped by and come for a meet and greet, or do you just voyeur their craft as they pass by?


Why can't Greer ever discuss the reptilian (and allies) species in honesty? Why didn't he decide to merge his past experience and training as a TRAUMATOLOGIST with his fascination of Extra-terrestrial phenomenon, even though there are TONS of cases of ET-induced traumas (treaties/reports which include ABDUCTIONS and IMPLANTS, as well as plenty of cases of unwanted insemination?) Why would Greer so simply IGNORE that side of the ET Spectrum?