Anonymous ID: 8f29f8 March 3, 2019, 4:41 p.m. No.5490610   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1030 >>2691


>This follows back to the Corey Goode material and why he is such a fraud. Basically sit back and don't do anything, don't fight for your freedoms, don't overthrow the cabal. Everything is fine. Super crazy powerful aliens and 6th density social memory complex beings are doing all the work for you destroying the cabal and Dracos. Oh but theres a catch, you're never going to meet any of these beings nor will you ever see proof of the cabal or dark fleet being destroyed. Everything is awesome, you just can't verify.




Lying division fagging shill? or did you drink to much disinfo kool-aid?


Coorey and David say the positive star beings ARE NOT HERE TO SAVE US, they are here to help us help ourselves to be our own fucking saviors and to STOP sitting around waiting for someone else to do something about it.


The MAIN fucking message or\f coorey and david is to get off our asses and be the good we want to see in the world around us, only then can we acchieve what we want.


Star People will NOT do all the work for us, they just ensure we have a chance to pull out of this mess, and that the situation doesn't become totally helpless for us without us never having a chance.


At this point, if we fail its our own damn fault.




>Oh, and BTW, this is my first post to this thread (long time lurker), who's new to the whole ET thing, and would like to throw in that Ste(v/ph)en Greer is a blatantly obvious Cabal shill who did a lot to convince me that ayys don't real for years. The level of shilling he gets here only confirms it.


Limited Hangout. The greershill gives us one tiny sliver of truth and spins it and uses it to push one certain narrative and shut everything else down.



Sunlight gives us food and energy, water gives us life. to much sun burns us and dries us out. to much water and we die. "5g" radio wave spectrum already exists and is all around us. (cosmic background and natural environmental radiation) What we choose to do with it, and how we use it to manipulate the world is what is good / bad.

Anonymous ID: 8f29f8 March 3, 2019, 8:56 p.m. No.5495733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7437

Because it's so easy to survive on this planet without making any money?


Like how there is someone online 24/7 to instantly posts a zero effort copy pasta (provided by their employer?) 'debunk' any time I come on here and post my experiences to counter the shill "CE-5\greer is the only truth" slide.


IT's ok. I used to think corey and david where faggots that where full of shit to.


then I found god (through science, not faith actually) and lived the life Coorey & Wilcox (and jesus) preach about, and well I got all the proof I could ever need, although lot of it was hard to accept.


Truth is, nothing I can say on here can convince anyone.


If god could provide 100% proof of what was what, and detailed instructions on how to do everything, you would just be a robot and not have any ability to make your own choices, which defeats the purpose of one of the greatest gifts god every gave us, free will.


Coorey & wilcock do not charge for their info. they post it for free on their websites, and even give away free pdf's of their books.


Companies who have employed coore and wilcock in the past (gaia who they have parted ways with, & event organizers who charge the same to listen to ALL the speakers) have charged for the information they pay CG and DW to provide, but you can't be a full time truther unless you are independently wealthy first, or find someone willing to pay your bills.


Its the same presentations over and over. you can watch it for free on line after the fact, or pay extra to get it 'first and in person' which seems like a pretty good compromise to get the information out in the public domain for free for everyone but also allow those guys to have a place to sleep and eat.


The simple act of existing in this country is expensive as fuck, but anyone who wants to put a roof over their head or food in their mouths automatically are 'evil'?


give me a fucking break.


Do you have some REAL information to prove the information they provide is incorrect? Because multiple members of my family have been in contact with multiple of some of the star races who have contacted coorey & dw, and non of that shit happened until we became the change we wanted to see in the world.


yeah DW got excited and blew his wad early. he figured out the great awakening was happening back in the nighties, but thought what would start in 2012 would be over in a flash, not be drug out over years.


They arn't perfect, they do not know everything. they have thier info from thier research that they try to piece together just like we are. DW is a researcher. A pretty good one, but hes not perfect, and makes mistakes.

all of us fucking do.