>This follows back to the Corey Goode material and why he is such a fraud. Basically sit back and don't do anything, don't fight for your freedoms, don't overthrow the cabal. Everything is fine. Super crazy powerful aliens and 6th density social memory complex beings are doing all the work for you destroying the cabal and Dracos. Oh but theres a catch, you're never going to meet any of these beings nor will you ever see proof of the cabal or dark fleet being destroyed. Everything is awesome, you just can't verify.
Lying division fagging shill? or did you drink to much disinfo kool-aid?
Coorey and David say the positive star beings ARE NOT HERE TO SAVE US, they are here to help us help ourselves to be our own fucking saviors and to STOP sitting around waiting for someone else to do something about it.
The MAIN fucking message or\f coorey and david is to get off our asses and be the good we want to see in the world around us, only then can we acchieve what we want.
Star People will NOT do all the work for us, they just ensure we have a chance to pull out of this mess, and that the situation doesn't become totally helpless for us without us never having a chance.
At this point, if we fail its our own damn fault.
>Oh, and BTW, this is my first post to this thread (long time lurker), who's new to the whole ET thing, and would like to throw in that Ste(v/ph)en Greer is a blatantly obvious Cabal shill who did a lot to convince me that ayys don't real for years. The level of shilling he gets here only confirms it.
Limited Hangout. The greershill gives us one tiny sliver of truth and spins it and uses it to push one certain narrative and shut everything else down.
Sunlight gives us food and energy, water gives us life. to much sun burns us and dries us out. to much water and we die. "5g" radio wave spectrum already exists and is all around us. (cosmic background and natural environmental radiation) What we choose to do with it, and how we use it to manipulate the world is what is good / bad.