There is a lot to be done in the Great Awakening at the local level.
Yes we pray digg meme.
BUT how many of you are noting the corruption at the local level, the players, the connections, the useful idiots, the PROOF that will lead to indictments and arrests and convictions?
It does not all hinge on the big perps.
The corruption is EVERYWHERE.
Use this time to document crimes locally so that the corruption can be rooted out in your own neighborhoods.
Dirty LEOs, judges, elected officials = money laundering, bribery, fraud, official oppression, and more.
Who are they working for and with?
Who do they represent if it is not you, the American voter?
Which businesses are fronts?
Who is helping the drug dealers and child sex traffickers?
Where are the NGO/non profits located and where is the money coming from?
All the diggs done here on a national/international level should be done at the local, county, and state level.
The corruption is everywhere.
They idea is to take them all out of the game.
We have changed the rules, anon: we have the law on our side again, as it is finally being enforced again.
This is valuable time: use it in good stead.
God bless and keep you all and may you stand when called to do so.