Anonymous ID: 47ea97 Jan. 24, 2019, 8:19 a.m. No.4887627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7671 >>7744 >>8065 >>8146 >>8188

Is 4chan controlled?


DAM BOOMER FAGGOTS! Anonymous (ID: LtdMVOxL) 01/23/19(Wed)18:10:08 No.200819791▶>>200820039

Now….. I've got people texting me about this Q fag shit. It's spreading like a god dammed virus. I was there when Q dropped in 2017. I dug breadcrumbs for 3 days straight. It's a bullshit larp that plays on boomer emotions. Clinton has not been arrested. There were no BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOMS. The Vote was incorrect. Noting has been accurate. This secret civil war inside agencies is nothing but a contest to see who can suck kike dick the hardest. Guess what, Neocons beat the Communists. It's all literally as simple as that. And for the last time, a national emergency is not fucking ''martial law"". Read a god dammed book you retarded fucking boomers.


Is 4chan controlled?


What are the implications? Why aren't they acknowledged?

Anonymous ID: 47ea97 Jan. 24, 2019, 8:36 a.m. No.4887799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7806 >>7850 >>7861 >>7897 >>7911 >>7984 >>8368 >>8389




And yet THE EXACT SAME THREADS that get made here, instantly appear here, as well, as posts. The FAKE memes, like the massively-botted "NPC meme" get PUSHED here, on exactly the same time frame and with exactly the same words and poses as on 4chan… If 4chan is controlled, then in what possible world is THIS board NOT controlled? Use logic.

Anonymous ID: 47ea97 Jan. 24, 2019, 8:57 a.m. No.4888012   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8034


But what is most telling is the similarity ACROSS PLATFORMS. The simultaneity of narrative emergence. This fact is even injected into the fake narrative. Such as in this Young Turk video with this writer about "the alt right"– he pushes the idea that some ORGANIC process– composed of a neo nazi community that magically took control of 4chan in the last few years– causes threads to instantly appear on 4chan, reddit, etc… Not the fucking AI MONSTER that we clearly see operating…

Anonymous ID: 47ea97 Jan. 24, 2019, 9:05 a.m. No.4888100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8113


In other words, you can't address the question like any normal, curious human would tend to; but rather offer the EXACT SAME stereotypical "chan" response, that strictly dismisses the question of AI preponderance on the intenet, that we see over and over. THAT is organic, right?


You can't keep recycling the same crap over and over bot system. Trust me. It's getting old. Each day, it gets more stale. And each day, more people are waking up.


You lose, loser. Try to understand.

Anonymous ID: 47ea97 Jan. 24, 2019, 9:23 a.m. No.4888288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8314


And Q also posts here and CONSPICUOUSLY implies things that about the things I'm referring to. There are many things Q CAN'T SAY– the same reason that Q can't comment on the AI here is the reason the DoD owns the hardware and this board continues to be controlled by the same regime of fakeness that is in place everwhere. We don't know what the reason is. There is some kind of a stalemate, it would seem, or a necessary process. This question is the key to everything, IMO. We don't know why, but we know there is a reason.

Anonymous ID: 47ea97 Jan. 24, 2019, 9:26 a.m. No.4888314   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I.e., most of the internet is being FAKED, and, just like arrests can't start happening yet (for reasons we only partially understand), likewise, Q can't comment openly on the nature of the regime of fakeness that controls both this board, and the internet as a whole. It seems clear that the same stalemate dictating the one, is dictating the other.