You do know the world Christ is not God's last name… right? and your right they are DumbFKs kek
Don't forget …Savior of Mankind
At least 200 Christians murdered in northern Nigeria killing spree
NIGERIA – By the time Muslim Fulani militant herdsmen ended their four-day killing spree (June 21-24) on northern Nigerian villages in Plateau state surrounding the city of Jos, Christians there told workers from Open Doors USA that the death toll was at least 200.
Currently, a dusk-to-dawn curfew is in place, however, local reports say that the violence continues despite the curfew. Women and children are especially vulnerable.
In 2018 alone, militant Fulani herdsmen have targeted and killed more than 600 Christians in Nigeria’s Middle Belt region, raiding Christian villages and setting fire to homes and churches.
In addition to Fulani herdsmen, Boko Haram continues to brutally attack Christians and communities in Nigeria, raiding villages and kidnapping women and children.
Despite Nigerian President Buhari’s claims that Boko Haram has been defeated, the group that aims to establish an Islamic caliphate in West Africa is showing those claims to be little more than propaganda.
Nigerian President Buhari has also been accused of being purposely silent on the Fulani herdsmen attacks on Christians within the country.
No its just the idiots that don't read the post and compare it to what's actually going on behind the scenes . especially when there's a wealth of info/proof available to them at their fingertips … all you have to do is look
That is a question I have been asking for a while now..Seems to me there's a technocracy coming in the guise of Dark to Light
Take into consideration Trump has only been president for 2 years and has a long way to go to stop their plans ley along defeat them…. After 6 more years will will either have our Constitution rights back or we will be under a totalitarian technocracy and the Mark of the Beast within 10 or so years
As soon as their evil deeds are exposed for the world to see that will happen… As Q stated they will not be able to walk down the streets,, but that's takes time to awaken people … how many will seek mental help when they find out the truth
Treating the Six Known Symptoms of ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’
do some research on the east indies company and understand how far and deep this goes ; research Cecil Rhodes and the Rhodes scholar program and that's just a small; part of the tip of the iceberg
Rhodes: closet gay man who hatched a secret society to promote empire
Almost 114 years after the death of Cecil Rhodes his memory lives on, with the Rhodes Must Fall campaign spreading from Cape Town to Oxford.
Once glorified by white colonialists, Rhodes is now more widely viewed as a prime villain in southern African history. Since his death he has been the subject of more than 30 biographies, so one is left to wonder if there is anything new that could be said about him. An attempt is made in the latest book by Robin Brown, The Secret Society: Cecil John Rhodes’s Plan for a New World Order
For Christians he is the only Christ..that is the bottle line and for pagans like the pope he is one of many christs.. is that so hard to understand
Pope Francis Says All Major Religions Are Paths To Same God
A new video has just been released in which Pope Francis very clearly expresses his belief that all of the major religions are different paths to the same God.
He says that while people from various global faiths may be "seeking God or meeting God in different ways" that it is important to keep in mind that "we are all children of God".
This is the most recent example that shows that the Pope has completely abandoned any notion that a relationship with God is available only through Jesus Christ.
meant bottom line.. someday i'll get it right