rhinos strike again. How can maine senator and alaskan senator continue to not side with their party on every vote and continue to be elected. they are a disgrace. Every vote. they are not rhinos. they are democrat operatives and should be removed from all committees immediately and anything else done to rebuke them. Q meant 51-49. not 53-47. this is long past a joke.
wait. add colorado. 50-50. not good. q team move quicker.
fox shill polls today.
it truly is a shame. every vote of importance. it must be more than their state color. you know none care about their state.
HAS TO BE SOMETHING MORE TO THEM. why would they ever be put on committees. Remember the photo of murk and DF. She is dem operative. no doubt. see jeff flake.
look at all the Rhinos. wow. nothing will be passed for two years. 5 rhinos. ouch. sad. the republican party. the party of fakes and not sticking together. Its time to start the trump party. The rhinos never end. they are a disgrace.