Anonymous ID: e156ed Jan. 24, 2019, 12:37 p.m. No.4890498   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0653


Image of Marc Elias


Firmwide Chair, Political Law Practice


T +1.202.654.6200


F +1.202.654.9126



Political Law

Priorities USA v. Missouri

Circuit Court of Cole County, Missouri

Obtained a significant victory, in October 2018, on behalf of Priorities USA and two Missouri voters in a lawsuit challenging the state’s newly-enacted voter ID law under the Missouri Constitution. The law imposed new restrictions on voters who lacked photo ID by requiring them to execute an inaccurate and misleading affidavit, stating among other things that photo ID was required by law, in order to cast a regular ballot. Following a bench trial in September 2018, the circuit court judge struck down the affidavit requirement as unconstitutional, and permanently enjoined the state from disseminating advertisements or publishing materials that suggest photo ID is required to vote. The state subsequently petitioned the Missouri Supreme Court for an emergency stay of the trial court’s injunction, which the Supreme Court denied. As a result, Missouri law now provides several different options for voting, with or without photo ID, that are more expansive that any voter ID law implemented in the state since 2002. The state’s appeal is currently pending.


perkins coie is crooked

Anonymous ID: e156ed Jan. 24, 2019, 12:47 p.m. No.4890627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0669 >>0735 >>0792


pc also protected obama and osama bin laden


Perkins Coie first made headlines during the Presidential Electoral Campaign of 2008. They represented Barack Hussein Obama as a then-candidate, President-elect, throughout his Presidency and as a former President. In addition, they represent the “Obama For America” Foundation that later changed it’s name to “Organizing for America” upon BHO’s first term win. At that time, Perkins Coie became the official legal counsel for the DNC. In 2013 after successfully cinching his second term in office, the foundation name changed to Organizing For Action which is considered to be one in the same as the DNC. Furthermore, Perkins Coie is also curiously involved with the probes into to Hillary Clinton from Benghazi, Uranium One, missing emails and her bathroom server on behalf of their client and as counsel for her campaign organization Hillary for America.


“The DNC’s account, OFA’s account and Hillary for America account are all under one internal account. That is done to limit access and obfuscate details of expenditures” said the employee of Perkins Coie.


In an attempt to provide publicly reported information substantiating the statement above we found that many articles published in 2008 or later referring to such information, from MSM outlets have all been “archived” or removed. We reached out to many of them to obtain copies of articles they published between in 2008 and 2014, but only The Atlantic had one titled “DNC’s Merger With Obama Campaign Continues” that we could find. It was COMMON knowledge that Obama’s Campaign and the DNC were one in the same and obviously, sported the same legal counsel. In other words, it was COMMON knowledge that Perkins Coie was Obama Counsel and DNC Counsel. This contradicts Comey’s testimony, on December 7, 2018 under oath.


Obstructing Access To Information

A pattern of behavior has emerged concerning Perkins Coie (PC) and their advocacy to reduce transparency in our government. For over a decade, PC seems to have a vested interest in all politicians and key government officials and persons that have engaged in, derived from or acted in a capacity of interest to the public and not in the good way. Notably, this law firm represented Osama Bin Laden’s body guard and driver.


lot more in this article

Anonymous ID: e156ed Jan. 24, 2019, 12:53 p.m. No.4890701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0774 >>0792



same article from previous


Executive Order 13489—Presidential Records


On January 21, 2009 only minutes after his inauguration, BHO singed his First Executive order. This EO made it almost IMPOSSIBLE for the next President or ANY agency to gain access to Presidential records. Though, this is very important because if you look at the Definition of what is considered Presidential Records you will realize just how expansive it is.


§ 2201 Definitions… 2) The term “Presidential records” means documentary materials, or any reasonably segregable portion thereof, created or received by the President, his immediate staff, or a unit or individual of the Executive Office of the President whose function is to advise and assist the President, in the course of conducting activities which relate to or have an effect upon the carrying out of the constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President.



Not only that but it revoked section 6 of EO 13233 What does that mean?


Right of Congress and Courts to Obtain Access to anything deemed Presidential Record is REVOKED.

Made it next to impossible for any incumbent President to access anything that is deemed Presidential record using his Executive Privilege.



Executive Order 13526 – Classified National Security Information


BHO began his First Year of Presidency by ensuring that all things that are related to him, by him, directly involving him or indirectly – he can seal and limit access by way of EO 13489 and removed any rights of access by Congress and Courts. In addition, he limited all future Presidents from invoking Executive Privilege to access such records. Thus, BHO thought he could end his first year with giving the people a grand illusion that he was giving them transparency with EO 13526.


This EO was supposed to be the beginning of government transparency but all it provided was millions of cold war era documents and:


It created the National Declassification Center

Anonymous ID: e156ed Jan. 24, 2019, 1:03 p.m. No.4890825   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We asked our CP insider the following question :


If the EO’s were drafted by you to protect his information why add Executive Order 13526 Section 1.7?


Question by T_O_R_E

Executive Order 13526

Sec 1.7

“Classification Prohibitions and Limitations. (a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to:

(1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error;

(2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency;

(3) restrain competition; or

(4) prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of the national security.”


EO 13489 wasn’t crafted to stop the “birthers” from petitioning. While he was President he OWNED the courts and we sent many Cease and Desist Letters. It was to make sure no one in the future could access it. Presidential Records are subject to National Security etc., EO 13526 was the nail on the coffin for future administrations and limiting the access to information in the case of wrongdoing. After all, to be stripped of the right to exercise Executive Privileged was the point of EO 13489 and EO13526 was more glimmer than substance to increase limitations.


PC Insider

With EO 13526 Sec 1.7 we should be entitled to access of HRC server and the DNC servers. We have administrative error , we have possible hacking so under section 1.7(a)1 and (2) we are good to go right?


Question by T_O_R_E

The firm was paid millions of dollars to draft two Executive Orders do you really think we didn’t think of everything? Sec.1.7(d) (e) are key to minimize the authority of section 1.7(a)1 and (2) . Plus can’t have Congress or a Court intervene. EO 13489 took care of that. Iron Clad.


PC Insider



There is a letter. Two actually. They advise how requests to obtain the DNC and HRC servers are disallowed. The Oversight Committees are not asking the right questions.