While the left pushes the "poor public servants not getting paid" narrative in the USA is there a way we can we remind normies about the ongoing Phoenix Payroll disaster in Canada?
Back story: Some have been underpaid or not paid at all. Some even lost homes. Other's were over paid which sounds okay, until the employees were told they had to repay the Gross, not the Net that they received. (Before vs after taxes.)
This has been happening in Canada for 3 years!
The Conservatives under Stephen Harper ordered the system, but didn't implement it due to bugs. Trudeau (Great Leader) implemented it with mispayments starting Feb. of 2016.
MSM reports
From the Office of the Auditor General of Canada…
We found that 62% of the employees in our sample were paid incorrectly at least once during the fiscal year (it was also 62% in the 2016–2017 fiscal year). For employees with pay errors, the number of errors for the year ranged from 1 to 19. As at March 31, 2018, 58% of the employees in our sample still required corrections to their pay—a similar percentage to the last fiscal year’s. These findings show that the situation for government employees has not improved.
Here is the Public Service Alliance of Canada's take on it…
Pics related, not necessarily in order.