HAPPENING - Huffpo / Buzzfeed / other MSM garbage (((journalists))) FIRED
>About 750 Verizon Media employees were expected to lose their jobs. That announcement came more than a month after Verizon took a $4.6 billion write-down on HuffPost’s parent company, Oath (now called Verizon Media), which includes AOL, Yahoo and HuffPost.
Oh the sweet, sweet taste of victory and justice. These vile, soulless pieces of shit are going to have to find actual work now.
BTFO may be linked to the gov shutdown and Obama's counter disinfo act gibs drying up, plus magakids lawsuits coming, general leftist media numbers going down steadily, etc.
Anon in previous thread linked a bonus - German Huffpo closing in March. Leftist shill media retreating on all fronts! https://de.finance.yahoo.com/nachrichten/deutsche-huffington-post-m%C3%A4rz-eingestellt-104953462.html