For someone allegedly concerned for the safety of his family, it seems odd Cohen would drag them through this circus.
Uh, make heads roll? Euphemism for finished.
Viva in Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian, Vive in French,
the verb "to live"
>Exchange shelters VERY senior member.
Perhaps someone was previously sheltered by Spain, Portugal or Italy (Vatican) and is now sheltered by France (Macron).,_viva,_and_vivat
If most malls succeed in part because they’re so safe and homogeneous, I’m convinced that the Trump Tower atrium succeeds for just the opposite reasons. It’s larger than life, and walking through it is a transporting experience, almost as if you’re in a wonderland.
Trump, Donald J.. Trump: The Art of the Deal (p. 178). Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
Look at that bottom picture. Beldar?