Anonymous ID: e51e01 Jan. 24, 2019, 5:18 p.m. No.4894024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4045 >>4117 >>4289 >>4378 >>4556 >>4723 >>4743

MarketFag Updates Need to STOP

pb Notable here: >>4891014


A Yuge nothingburger of a Notable with no moar than one nomination. Bet my bottom dollar that the marketfag author is the same that's nominating under a different IP.


That nomination received a question from another Anon; Is it? (notable), which IT IS NOT.


A report of average volume on zero fuks to give about the market yet there it is - AGAIN.


Let Anon remind BAKERS: marketfag has repeatedly given financial advice and USED this board as a platform to MISINFORM. This was brought to light when numerous Anons posted that they took the advice (bad idea, but they did) and lost money.


The other issue is the possibility of Qresearch disseminating stock advice. The SEC makes it perfectly clear that a license is REQUIRED to publish such advice publicly. Yes- there's a statement that Notables are not endorsements, but do you really believe the SEC will view that 4 word statement as sufficient? This Anon does NOT.


Condsider the fact that Krassenasses have stated they will take QAnon down. Consider also that all of MSM and the evil we fight want nothing moar than to silence our voice, board and work. All things considered, it's a fool who believes the 4 words of 'NOTABLES ARE NOT ENDORESEMENTS' flies in a court of law.


C'mon Anons- we've dug the courts. This is where most of our battle is. They are corrupt and laws be damned when they fight to take down their enemy. They win every fuking time.


BAKERS can continue to roll those dice and have faith in the 4 word presumed exemption to the SEC rules, or they could do the right thing and protect Anons from bogus advice, save the Notables for TRUE research (which market updates are NOT), and protect the volumes of work and daily activity that is Qresearch and END this market fag self-promotion.


Afterall, if this drivel is Notable, we should also include the weather forecasts as well.


ANONS! This post needs your nominations so ALL Bakers see this notice. Continuing this activity will assuredly bring negative consequences to our movement.

Anonymous ID: e51e01 Jan. 24, 2019, 5:18 p.m. No.4894032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4133

>>4887489 pb

National Grid plc, the British conglomerate that owns and operates National Grid in Rhode Island


Anyone else see an issue with a British company owning and controlling parts of our national grid?


DIG Anons!

Anonymous ID: e51e01 Jan. 24, 2019, 5:33 p.m. No.4894238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4261


Do you give a fuk that marketfag's bullshit should not be in Notables?


We should include weather reports too then.




( and you're a fool to believe K bros won't enjoin the SEC on this)

Anonymous ID: e51e01 Jan. 24, 2019, 5:52 p.m. No.4894518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4546 >>4591 >>4710


>advice given here by anons than a cafe is liable for advice one random dude gives to another on their premises.


You are missing the point.

Qresearch PUBLICIZES this financial advice.

THAT is the difference.

If we are the news- if we are to be taken as the replacement for news, we MUST be licensed to do this!


We are not and therefore should refrain from putting it in Notables. IN the bread, no problem. Notables- completely different scenario!

Anonymous ID: e51e01 Jan. 24, 2019, 6:06 p.m. No.4894716   🗄️.is 🔗kun


MULTIPLE posts of bragging on the advice given. Check archives.


The Notables that are being given are NOT about market manipulations- the recent marketfag notables show average days of trading- nothing moar.


Just like a weather report. Include those too then.