Anonymous ID: 287cb7 Jan. 24, 2019, 6:25 p.m. No.4894956   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4894145 lb

hope not! no amnesty.

that 'one million' = seven, ten, twelve million with chain migration.


POTUS campaigned on ending amnesties and chain migration.

heard him say today we were under attack with open borders and no wall.


if we are 'under attack' who in their right mind leaves the enemies inside the gate??


and when do we start rounding up all the illegals already here?

surely nobody is buying that '11 million' crap bandied about the last ten years?


know a publicity worker that did a conference call with noname in 2012 and she said he told them we were approaching '80 million' back then. when asked about removing them, his response was 'how do you round up 80 million illegal aliens?'



at the ballot box, at the hospital, at the schools, at the food stamp office, at the IRS, at the landlords' office, at the realtors' office, at the flea markets, at the home depot parking lot …



the 'illegal' in 'illegal alien' means a crime has been committed.

deport them all. give them the opportunity to self deport (and walk away with something) or stay and confiscate assets to pay for everything they've cost the taxpayer if they must be forcibly removed.


and watch the crime rates drop … especially with 'white males…'