Anonymous ID: 6e2081 Jan. 24, 2019, 6:15 p.m. No.4894830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4871 >>5026


The Army is threatening to dismiss and jail an active-duty lieutenant colonel who says he won't obey military orders until he knows that President Obama is in the Oval Office as a constitutionally eligible president, according to his supporters.


A statement given to WND today by Margaret Hemenway, who is acting as a spokeswoman for the case involving the American Patriot Foundation and Army Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, said Lakin is "undaunted" and has not changed his position.


Lakin announced his position with a video stating he would not follow orders because he was not sure of their legality under Obama, who has concealed personal information that could confirm he meets the constitutional requirement that a president be a "natural born citizen."


WND reported earlier when the Army "unofficially" recommended a medical evaluation, which Lakin refused.


New strategy unveiled on answering Obama's eligibility questions. See how you can help.


Now, the Army has issued a "counseling form" warning Lakin his deployment orders are valid. The document has been posted on the Safeguard Our Constitution website, which is assembling support for the officer.


"On 30 March 2010, this command became aware of your intentions to refuse to follow deployment orders. Your stated reason for refusal was your belief that the election of the President of the United States is invalid because you believe he is not 'native born' [sic]. This counseling is to inform you that your deployment orders are presumed to be valid and lawful orders issued by competent military authority," said the document from the "counselor," Lt. Col. William D. Judd.


The letter reminded Lakin of his April 12 due date at Fort Campbell, Ky.


"Failure to follow your reassignment and/or deployment orders may result in adverse action including court-martial," the officer was warned.

Anonymous ID: 6e2081 Jan. 24, 2019, 6:18 p.m. No.4894871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4896



So Col. Hollister is perplexed. If he is called up, he has a duty

to obey lawful orders from the Commander in Chief and on down the

chain of command. And he would also have a duty to disobey

unlawful orders. He took an Oath of Enlistment to fight for and

defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic,

but he’s confused because he doesn’t know who these duties will

be owed to if Obama is sworn in. Is he qualified to be Commander

in Chief? What if he was born in Kenya? What if he is an illegal


Anonymous ID: 6e2081 Jan. 24, 2019, 6:34 p.m. No.4895051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5085 >>5121


U.S. Supreme Court refuses to hear Obama birth certificate …

U.S. Supreme Court refuses to hear Obama birth certificate case. Listen … The Blaze comments that the decision of the Supreme Court to pass over without comment … More about Obama, birth …

According to Los Angeles Times, the 9th Circuit noted that aside from the plaintiffs’ lack of standing, the challenge of Obama‘s legitimacy to serve as president is a political question beyond any federal court’s power to decide. Only Congress can impeach a president, and any citizen petition for a common-law writ to initiate an inquiry into the legitimacy of the president would have to be brought through the federal court in Washington, D.C.

Anonymous ID: 6e2081 Jan. 24, 2019, 6:43 p.m. No.4895180   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Through various sources, in addition to Obama’s use of the number, they determined the same SSN was originally issued in Connecticut sometime around 1976 to another individual who was born in 1890.


Records indicate Obama didn’t start using this particular SSN until 1980, although there are several other numbers associated with his name, none of which were issued in Hawaii, or any other place Obama has ever lived or worked.


Obama’s use of the Connecticut-issued SSN can be readily verified by anyone as it is imbedded in his fraudulently created Selective Service System records.


Hollister provided Sonoran News with a copy of the results from the Social Security Number Verification System ( used by small businesses to verify employment eligibility, using Obama’s name, birth date and the Connecticut-issued SSN. The results came back as “Failed” with a Verification Results Code 1, which is defined as: “SSN not in file (never issued).”


Time will tell if SCOTUS will ultimately be the ones to decide Obama’s constitutional eligibility.

Anonymous ID: 6e2081 Jan. 24, 2019, 6:52 p.m. No.4895293   🗄️.is 🔗kun

eyes gettin blurry eh. 1 more im out anons

another perkins coie ref and black cube


David Boies, the left-wing lawyer famous for taking on Al Gore's hanging chad Florida election disputes in 2000, turns out to have been the facilitator of an army of private investigators who tracked actresses making sexual abuse allegations against Hollywood studio big Harvey Weinstein and the reporters reporting it.


That would be the same David Boies who defended Michael Moore for his illegal Cuba-junketeering in the making of the movie Sicko, a phony Potemkin-village account describing the glories of Castrocare, and the same David Boies who defended CBS after its disgusting smear job on General William Westmoreland, who sued. A list of Boies prominent cases can be read here.


Now it turns out he was defending Harvey Weinstein all along, the biggest sex-harassing pig in Hollywood (actually, anywhere).


Functioning almost exactly as Perkins Coie did in its hiring of Fusion GPS to collude with the Russians on behalf of Hillary Clinton, Boies's firm paid a group of former Mossad types in a private investigative firm called Black Cube to tail and use pretext meetings to worm information out of Rose McGowan and the reporters she was talking to in order to spike the stories that would come of it. Other actresses were targeted as well. As in the case of Perkins Coie and Fusion GPS, big money changed hands, almost the same amounts in both cases. Black Cube got $100,000 on the first shot and $600,000 eventually. Apparently, these are the going rates in big smear operations, which both of these were.