Example: Self-described 'very left' American waking-up=
1) "Stop being judgmental and stereotyping persons and stop just reading the headlines of a post and look for the actual facts. Stop being intolerant of differences in perspective. PLEASE"
2a) "I was so troubled by this issue that I've probably researched it from ten angles. I'm not a maga hat wearer and tend towards liberal but I do not restrict myself to any certain viewpoints and if you truly believe this kids had ill intent, I'm sure you need to see more points of view and then look into yourself and find truth."
2b) "You have no idea what my politics are. Judging instead of asking. Again?"
3) "I used to think I was very left but I wont go where the left has gone into intolerance and hate. And I dont support countries not mattering anymore as protection for citizens. .. At least not without lots of other conditions being met."