Eyes on Central America
The immigration/migration controversy that the US is experiencing on its southern border is following a pattern that is eerily similar to the migration drama that has been playing out in Europe. There’s no doubt that the Globalist/NWO is manufacturing both crises to serve their larger agenda.
Although not being shared widely by the MSM, a quick search of the headlines reveal how the current instability in Central America is driving migration into the US.
The CIA has a long history of engaging in lethal interventions, regime change, narcotics/weapons trafficking and other criminal activities that have severely impacted the political and economic fortunes of Central America countries.
Globalists actors (possibly including elements of the CIA) are now undoubtedly in place throughout the region using similar tactics to foment conflict and chaos in order to activate a “flee” impulse in ordinary people. Globalist actors, who are also sophisticated at psychological manipulation, are presenting a false narrative to the downtrodden people of Central America that there is a viable migration path to the US for them that is both real and achievable, and that it is probably their only opportunity to better their lives. Undoubtedly, promises are made to help them in their journey and to support them in making their entry to the US. There is ample evidence that these actors also funding, organizing, and managing all aspects of each major wave of migration.
The shining hope that America embodies becomes a natural promised land to people whose homelands have become unlivable due to poor economic conditions, and are surrounded by poverty, government corruption, and violent crime.
The news in Venezuela has been on the radar. But there is also Nicaragua:
Daniel Ortega’s communist regime in Nicaragua is responsible for “gross human rights violations” and continues to act with impunity amid a widespread popular uprising, a report the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Organization of American States (OAS) revealed Tuesday.
And even the Pope is in Panama today trying to blast down walls:
If the US is to be successful with its Border Security policy, it must include measures that will completely eradicate the Globalist/NWO actors who are instigating/fostering the migration movement in the first place as part of their overall plan to destroy the sovereignty of the United States.