If it's who I think it is, they'll understand.
Ah, so it is you.
You pissed me off with your cryptic riddles, I'll tell you that much. And I wasn't about to go testing out different IPs just to see if I could walk through some door. Not on my production machine anyway…
But, if you decide to change your mind (and your presentation) perhaps I'd still be willing to help.
Either way, good luck.
If you're not a LARP.
I've seen more elaborate in my time.
I understand the need for caution, but you did damage your credibility when we last spoke.
So put yourself in my shoes. A stranger presents me with a door, and says no more.
Is it real, or a trap?
What will I find on the other side?
Something dangerous to my person?
Entrapment of some sort?
Can't be too careful these days…
Be as wise as serpents, they say…