Anonymous ID: 6522cb Jan. 24, 2019, 8:26 p.m. No.4896293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6403 >>6750 >>6899 >>6996

Rockefeller War On Venezuela Continues


Yesterday within hours of President Trump recognizing Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido as that country’s new president, Venezuela’s duly elected 2nd term President Nicholas Maduro broke all ties with the US, accusing the US of backing a coup against his government and giving all US personnel 72 hours to leave the country. Maduro had only been sworn in two weeks ago.


Russia warned that the attempted US coup attempt, which was later backed by the right-wing governments of Brazil, Colombia, and Canada, would result in bloodshed if further actions were taken. Kremlin spokesmen Dmitry Peskov stated said outside interference in the country were “unacceptable” and that talk of US military actions was “dangerous”.


Educated at the CIA-infested George Washington University, Guaido only became president of the National Assembly of Venezuela on January 5th. He immediately claimed that Maduro was not Venezuela’s President and worked to incite rebellion within the military.


Maria Iris Varela Rangel, a leader in Maduro’s United Socialist Party of Venezuela, Tweeted of the sedition, “Guaido: I have already gotten your jail cell ready with the right uniform, and I hope you name your cabinet quickly to know who will keep you company, you stupid kid”.


US officials told the New York Times they saw Guaido as “a fresh face” and Vice-President Pence had already publicly backed him. Maduro said in a state television address, “Who elects the president of Venezuela? Mike Pence? I am the only president of Venezuela. We don’t want to return to the 20th century of gringo interventions and coups de’ etat.”


In 2017 Maduro organized elections for a constituent assembly. Over 8 million people participated, creating a bulwark which would protect their Bolivarian Socialist Revolution against the constant violence of the Miami-based Venezuelan oligarchy.


On October 9, 2012, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez had been re-elected for the third time in fourteen years, handily defeating conservative oligarch challenger Henrique Capriles with 54% of the vote. The fiery Chavez, who had recently criticized NATO harassment of the Assad government in Syria, was slated to serve another six-year term.


But on March 5, 2013, Chavez died from a rapidly spreading “cancer”, likely administered by agents of the City of London Illuminati banksters.

Anonymous ID: 6522cb Jan. 24, 2019, 8:29 p.m. No.4896311   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rothschilds Target Africa


Last week was a busy one for the various acronym-employee thugs working for Rothschild City of London hegemony over the planet. Nicolas Maduro was sworn in for a second term as President of Venezuela, repelling yet another attempt by Rockefeller lieutenant & CIA cocaine laundry Bank of Nova Scotia director Gustavo Cisneros and his fellow Venezuelan Miami-based oligarchs to turn back the Bolivarian socialist revolution in that country.


So the defeated banksters turned their well-funded Luciferian attention to Africa where several pockets of resistance were targeted.


Sudan is one of five countries without a Rothschild-controlled central bank. North Korea, Cuba, Syria, and Iran are the others. Not content with having already lopped off the oil-rich south of that country, declaring a new nation of South Sudan in 2011 and locking up the oil with their Glencore conglomerate (, this past month violent protests have again targeted the government of socialist President Omar Hassan al-Bashir.


In October the London banksters devalued the Sudanese pound causing wheat prices to skyrocket. In December Rothschild agents burned down the headquarters of the National Congress Party in Atbara and several other buildings. al-Bashir has stated that the protestors are being funded by foreign powers. Thirty-eight people have died so far.


In neighboring Kenya, the CIA’s northeast Africa terror wing al-Shabbab attacked the Dusit Hotel in Nairobi, leaving 21 dead. President Uhuru Kenyatta is a populist despised by the Rothschild bankers. His fiancee and nephew were among those killed in a September 2013 al-Shabbab attack on Nairobi’s Westgate shopping mall.


After harassing Kenyatta with their International Criminal Court for years, the bankers tried unsuccessfully to steal the Kenya elections in 2017.(


Further west, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) held elections for president last week. The results were so unusual that ever the Catholic Church went on record saying the vote was fraudulent. Incumbent Joseph Kabila is a revolutionary whose father Laurent Kabila fought alongside Patrice Lumumba during the Congo war for independence from King Leopold’s Belgian forces. Lumumba was assassinated by CIA operative and later US Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci, while fighting with Cuban revolutionaries sent by Fidel Castro.


Kabila’s Common Front for Congo won 350 out of 500 seats in parliament that same day, but the presidential race between former ExxonMobil executive Martin Fayulu, Union for Democracy & Social Progress leader Felix Tshisekedi and Kabila’s Vice-Prime Minister Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary saw Tshisekedi emerge victorious in a disputed election.