Hello Night Shift frens!
As I have been enjoying the show in the aftermath of the Covington Catholic
scandal (special shoutout to Robert Barnes who I would definately not want to run into in a dark alley,
althought I'm sure he's a great guy) and had a thought about a response.
Since POTUS and the Q team love the theatrical I took some inspiration to their epic level trolling and
devised possible plan.
This plan relies on the pure inability of the extreme left to do anything sensable and walking them into
the PR disaster of their worst nightmares.
In order for this to be successful we must realize that there is nothing a patriot or anon can
say that won't be taken out of context and weaponized against them. This not only includes verbal statements
but signage as well. Next, it must hold some controversy, and should be just enough for the left to lose
their collective minds while a reasonable person in the center would take no issue.
For this I am thinking of a MAGA March.
Inspiration from this is taken from the civil rights movement and more specifically
the famous Selma march. This should also be done in such a location that makes media coverage more likely.
This march should be a silent one with no signs displayed and no slogans shouted.
Clothing should be formal, suits and dresses along with a MAGA hat.
March to a "free speech" rally, stay silent. "Speakers" (who should not speak at all) 2 or 3 take turns at
standing behind a microphone for about 5 min. March back silently as well.
Take whatever they throw at you, do not respond.
Let the left show the world who they really are and leave no doubt in the reasonable centers mind.
Too crazy?