Anonymous ID: 08ca67 March 18, 2018, 9:04 a.m. No.709282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8927 >>9808 >>1267 >>1495 >>4032

It’s hard to see what’s going on behind the scenes. It's not just about Democratic Corruption here in the United States…. it's about the Synagogue of Satan everywhere. It's about the imminent fulfillment of Biblical prophecies, specifically Revelations 2:9 and 3:9. The Great Sign of Revelations 12:1 was fulfilled last September 23, 2017.


I look at the whole picture. I look at Fourth Turnings. History. Signs in the stars. Blood moons. There's so much more than the here and now. Expand your thinking!


Anons ask if the Democrats will ever get back on track. I say no- Why? Trump is going to appoint at least 3 if not 5 Supreme Court Justices. That means anything that gets challenged and goes that high gets thrown out. Judges will quickly learn they can no longer legislate from the bench. Kennedy, Ginsburg, and a couple more will be leaving.


Our guys are working on getting armed guards into the elections and we will soon have our first honest elections in 30+ years due to all the changes.


What perception do you have of states being R vs D? Do you HONESTLY believe that having elections at 49-51 is "normal"? NO. They've been manipulated severely. That will be coming out before long. Trump won by a LANDSLIDE. Think 60-40 or 70-30 or better.


Do you think the (LEGAL) foreign born population is going to vote Democratic any longer? TRUMP AND CO are the only ones that have given them JOBS and TAX CUTS. They can see just as well as all of us that they've been played.


The Democratic Party will be NO MORE in about a month. I should say the Democratic Party on a National Level. Locally, they will be gasping for a couple more elections, and possibly they will be able to regroup under a new banner and new philosophy, specifically returning to the Classical Democrat model, but as they are right now, they will be DEAD in a month or less. Look at 18,500 indictments! Who the hell will trust a Democrat after well over 50% of the top Democrats in the party are in prison?


YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN HOW TO PLAY. Direct quote from Q. The system has been fucked with for so long we've all given up. Once HRC hangs and people REALIZE they have been given the power… it's going to be quite amazing.


Historically, we have been a Christian Nation. Now, God's hand will come back upon us in a MIGHTY WAY.

There will be a COMPLETE ROLLBACK of many of the doings of previous administrations, all the way back to 1991 and Bush's damn NWO.

Prayer in the schools will be reinstated, Roe Vs Wade will be overturned, 501c3 for the churches will be erased.


We are the SAFE PLACE in the TRIBULATION. Christian immigration will increase tenfold or more. Christians are going to be actively engaged in the process and aren't going to have any interest in this fuckery any more than you and I.


If you would check out my graphic, you will understand WHY the United States is the SAFE PLACE. Petra, Jordan, at the time of the Bible's writing, was a great military power and financial center at the time. The United States is a great military power and financial center of our time.


HONESTLY- why do you think we are "the most important country in the world"? Maybe, because of the Blessing in Genesis? Given to Ephraim and Manasseh? Referred to as a Multitude of Nations? So, logically speaking, IF we ARE the most important country in the world, because of the Blessing, THEN we will be the Safe Place in the Tribulation BECAUSE of the Blessing.


Think LOGICALLY, like always. We have already been nuked- the 3/11/11 attack in Japan was nuclear weapons in a nuclear reactor. That means, if the United States was NOT a "Safe Place" from a nuclear war overseas, we would have found out then. As it was, we did get some radiation from that but it was nothing like "ground zero". The United States is literally TWO OCEANS away from the "action". And we're putting in a wall between the United States and Mexico to keep everything out in that direction.


The morons in Africa/Europe/Asia/Russia can nuke the shit out of themselves, but honestly, it doesn't affect the United States to any great degree. We also have the world's greatest Navy. So no one is coming to attack the United States anytime soon. It’s a logistical nightmare.


There are A LOT of Christians in the world. What country in the world is BIG and STRONG enough to protect the Christians, and wage war on the Anti-Christ? THINK! United States is about 500 years old and has always been known as a SAFE PLACE for Christians, until about 50/60 years ago. In the eyes of God, we've fucked up for about an hour. A thousand years is a day. (They) have been worshiping Satan for well over 5,000 years. They will be getting the punishment… NOT the United States!


But- We DO need to pray…. and ask for God's mercy upon our Great Nation.


Just watch, and enjoy the show. It's going to take a period of time for all of this to play out.