Anonymous ID: 3be73e Feb. 26, 2018, 5:36 p.m. No.505392   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5557 >>5612 >>5870 >>5930



>I don't have anything biblical to offer to this thread but I do have a request.

Request granted.

>apathetic Christians who won't vote.

Or people who see through the BS and realize that their vote doesn't matter.

>When the C_A papers revealed that they were working with clergy, that should have awakened the masses…but no.

The people who cared left the churches long ago. The rest of them are either brainwashed or just going for the social club. More like the social club.

>The cabal dis two things to get Christians out of government. One was the 501c3 tax exempt status. Churches could be tax exempt only of they stay out of politics. It's basically welfare for churches and as I see it it's the same 30 pieces of silver that was used to sell out Jesus. Pastors are now addicted to the money and aren't willing to let it go. They have sold out Christianity for money…period.

If you do your research you will find out you don't even need 501c3 to be a church, legally.

>The second thing they did was to have clergy convince the masses that God would take care of everything and they just had to worship God and everything would be alright.

You talking about the Pre Tribulation Rapture? That was supposed to happen on 9/23/2017 but clearly didn't happen? And when did Q start posting? Not before that.

>Look at biblical history. God always used people to carry out his missions. When the people failed miserably He took care of things…flood, fire, etc. You don't want God to have to do our job and take care of things because it's always catastrophic.

You mean, like the Q team???? Ever read Mark Taylor Prophecies?

>The third thing they did was start brain washing the masses with "separation of church and state". That phrase was carefully chosen for brainwashi g purposes. Now Christians think the church has no place in government partially because of this and partially because of the pastors telling them that God will handle it.

>Now Christians think????

Well I'm sure that can change fairly quickly.

>Unless churches wake up and start doing what God created them to do, then we are toast. Please start trying to red pill your pastors. Start challenging them about 501c3. Ask them how God usually accomplishes change, using people or using floods, fire. Ask them why the country is in the condition it's in now.

Seriously? The fucking pastors ARE the problem. Start a home church. You're another one of these douchebags that would have told the Q team to get the message out via CNN. Who did Jesus choose to preach to? The lame, the crippled, the sick, the blind, the adulteress, and more. Who did Q choose? The one place on the Internet that still has some form of free speech and anonymity.

>Organize get out the vote programs at church. Get voter registration cards and pass them out then take them yourself to turn them in. Organize rides to the polls for those that don't drive. Organize a buddy system where everyone has a few people to remind and encourage to go to the polls in election day

Try again. Lets try, talking to your friends at church and meet them OUTSIDE of church and tell them what's going on. Tell them about the Q team. Tell them a lot of what you wrote in this article. Tell them about true Christian Fellowship. Follow the example of the Last Supper. You wonder why family meals were such a big deal up until the 1950's? Because people understood, at some level, that it was a form of worship. What do people do before family meals? Pray? What did a lot of older women wear in the 1950's and before? Hats? What did men have back then, as a general rule? Beards? What does the bible say about those things?


Maybe, but there are other things that are far more important. Like showing people who Ephraim and Manasseh are, and that Ephriam got the blessing, the timeline of God in the Heavens, the admonishments to watch the sun moon and stars in the bible, the coincidences between today and Israel's founding, 4/20 is the 70th anniversary of Israel's founding this year, etc.


Individual humans have the free will to decide for themselves if they are going to follow Christ or Satan. However, we live in a world governed by time, cycles, and the sun/moon/stars. There is a calendar hidden in the bible that has been there for thousands of years, and it is Honour to seek it out. Proverbs 25:2….. It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.

Anonymous ID: 3be73e Feb. 26, 2018, 7:01 p.m. No.506298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6433 >>8099


I personally think there is something to the post-tribulation rapture. And that the United States is the safe place in the Tribulation. The direction that I'm leaning in is that the earth will be cleansed and we will return for the 1000 years.


Something needs to happen to clean up the earth, that much is certain and we can't survive another 1000 years with the Earth like it is.

Anonymous ID: 3be73e Feb. 26, 2018, 7:18 p.m. No.506491   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I personally think the Tribulation started 9/23/17 and with the United States being the safe place in the Tribulation and the people on the rest of the continents really screwing with themselves. 3.5 years then 3.5 years of hell for anywhere BUT the USA. The assholes that built Astana won't go down without a fight.

Anonymous ID: 3be73e Feb. 26, 2018, 7:21 p.m. No.506524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7708 >>8500 >>4586


If you can guide me to that bible verse that says that God will hold his wrath for exactly 70 years and then He will return and avenge himself I would much appreciate that. That's basically what we're working towards with the Q team. I can't seem to find it. The 70 years is up 4/20/2018, 5th of Iyyar on the Hebrew calendar. Jerusalem Embassy opening on date by Julian calendar, May 15, 1948, actual date 5/15/2018

Anonymous ID: 3be73e Feb. 26, 2018, 8:25 p.m. No.507155   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>we have now when the highest authority of the land is communing with the least of men. That is found in the Bible only in the providence of Jacob, and his ladder.

>And who did Jesus minister to?


It's ridiculously crazy. I'm just tickled to have found the chan. I just hope, someday, I can shake Trump's hand. I had a few chances to go to rallies when he was campaigning but I wasn't as tuned in as I am now….